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15 minutes later (more like 15 days, whoops)

H "Alright, I trust you've all thought about this further. Let's make an effort to come to a conclusion within this meeting, I have a few other things I'd like to go over as well at the end."

S "I'd like to lead this for a moment, if there's no objections?"


S "Great. First off, I'd like to lay out my interpretation of the plan, then take feedback and edit the plan accordingly. Once again, any objections?"


S "Good. It'd be best to send a small group of clones, as to not attract attention, and to not seem like we're trying to make a statement of power. In my opinion, ideally that team would be made up of three of us. The first and most obvious, Kurama. Not only does he have the best understanding of the situation, he's dealt with Madara, something none of us can claim as far as I'm aware."

KN "I don't really get the feeling he'd want to talk if I wasn't there either. At least he wouldn't be very productive."

S "That's good to know. Now, I have ideas for the other two, but I'd like to hear some of your thoughts Kurama."

KN "Hmmm... well definitely not Granny Tsunade."

T "And why's that?"

KN "Well for one thing, Madara likes to play mind games, and he'd be really good at riling you up. Along with that, you're a Senju, and a direct descendant of Hashirama, that's even more grounds for him to wanna f*ck with your head specifically."

T "Well I didn't exactly want to see him either."

KN "I didn't really think you did. Then along with that, probably not Inoichi, he's seemed really high anxiety about all of this. Not only that, but he's seen a lot of what Madara's done in my memories, I think it'd be a risk to bring him with to face him after that. I trust Inoichi, and even if it weren't for me being worried about him freaking out, that's a lot of stress to be under."

I "I appreciate that, I'm not sure myself I'd be able to handle that."

S "Those are both good points, anyone else?"

KN "Not Kakashi. Again with the mind games, he's got a lot to work with against him."

K "What does he have specifically against me?"

KN "Obito."

K "Oh yeah. Nevermind."

KN "I guess then, it's just down to you, Pervy Sage, and Gramps."

S "And that's what I had in mind as well for my plan. Realistically this meeting will take place a ways away from the village, and honestly, compared to you three, my Chakra supply is lacking. That's why I would send you three's clones, and back here have Inoichi keep me in contact with you all. How does that sound to you?"

KN "Makes sense to me."

J "I don't see any major problems, aside from the inherent risk of Madara's existence, so I'm fine with that."

H "My only concern is that we could be followed. Madara has been able to stay under Kurama's radar for so long now, we can't risk this getting out."

KN "Madara won't even show unless he knows we haven't been followed. That or he'll take care of it himself. Anything that gets past me, he'll catch."

H "Well then, ignoring the large amount of blind faith that takes in Madara f*cking Uchiha, I can accept this plan."

I "I'm okay with it as well."

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