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Kakashi's POV


"Kakashi? What are you doing here?"

" told me to be here for my mission at 8:00am."

"...Kakashi. It's 8."

"Yeah? That's the point."

"Who broke Kakashi? I specifically said 8 because usually you're a few hours late, I planned for you to be here around 10 or 11."

"Wow, what incredible faith you have in me."

"Well, luckily I already worked out you're mission details and got it accepted by Lord Hokage, so here it is, since you're early, you can either leave now or wait until 10, your choice."

"Thanks, I'll head out in a bit, I'm gonna make a quick stop before I go."

"Alright, good luck dragging him back, you never know with Master Jiraiya so if need be, I'll send someone else out so you're back in time for this year's genin."




"So you're going out looking for Master Jiraiya huh?"

"Yeah, I don't know how long I'll be gone but if need be, I'll trade off with someone and come back next month for the genin."

"I see. Well then...
Stay safe, make sure you have everything packed, bring something warm in case it gets cold, shower regularly, get 8 hours of sleep every night-"

"Gai... I'll be fine."

"Keep me updated, remember to let your hounds take breaks, and you too, drink lots of water, I'll take care of your house plants while you're gone-"

"What plants?"

"The ones I just bought you."


"Don't slack off on training, but don't overwork yourself, wash your hands before and after you eat, brush your teeth, dont get distracted by those books of yours, don't catch a cold-"

"Gai, I'll be fine, I'm just going to go get Master Jiraiya, and bring him home, it's not an S rank mission or anything."

"But you never know with the sannin. You could get wrapped up having to fight Orochimaru, or deal with a time traveler, or meet one and or more person or people who should be very dead but aren't and are now causing problems, you could have to watch a man eat 20 bowls of ramen in one sitting, you could go on some world saving adventure and not have me, your Eternal Rival there to help you along the way. You never know!"

"...why are you like this. Okay, Gai, I'll keep you updated, I'll be home on time, and none of that is going to happen. See you, don't let my new plants die I guess."

"Wait! One more thing."


"I expect that when you return we go on that date you agreed to."


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