Ch 24

528 18 0

A/N: two quick things, just some important info bits
1. I'm gonna start referring to Naruto as Kurama from now on. This is because A. I need practice for when little Naruto comes in, and B. It should be easier for you all to adjust when that happens.
2. Since I'm terrible at tagging dialogue, we're just gonna start putting initials at the start of each piece of dialogue. Sorry if that's annoying, it's just what's easy for me. (Let me know if you've got a better idea please)
So for this chapter:
Kurama = KN (Kurama Naruto)
Jiraiya = J
Kakashi = K

Naruto's POV

I know.

KN "Pervy Sage..."

J "Yeah, I know. What do you want to do about him?"

KN "Well as far as he's aware I'm probably some rogue ninja who's a freakish combination of his dead teammates, so maybe you talk to him, I'll hide for now?"

J "Fair enough."

KN "Thanks."

Naruto jumped up into a tree a few yards away, concealing his Chakra.

J "Kakashi, what are you doing out here?"

K "Master Jiraiya, Lord Hokage sent out two requests to you to return to the village and has yet to receive a response, I was sent to retrieve you."

J "Why's the old man so worried? Its not that uncommon for me to not respond to a message or two, I haven't gotten around to it yet."

K "They were urgent messages."

J "Uhh... yeah? I don't know why I should have to respond, after all I was the dud student, and yet look at his two favorites, a S-rank rogue ninja and a drunk gambler. If he wants some snappy responses, maybe he should've bet his money on me. I don't see those two jumping at his request."

K "Lady Tsunade is returning at his request at this moment. Also I didn't ask for that trauma dump."

...what, Granny Tsunade? Why was she convinced so easily?

J "...what. Damn, what did the old man put in that letter?"

K "You didn't read it..."

J "I'm a very busy person Kakashi, I don't always have time for this stuff."

K "Were you doing your "research"?"

J "You are the last person who can judge as you personally benefit off my research, I can smell my book in your pocket there right now. And no actually, I've had other things come up."

K "And what would that be?"

J "Classified."

K "I see. And if it's so "classified", shouldn't Lord Hokage know about it already? He wouldn't bother you if you were fulfilling an important mission."

J "Jeez kid, I'm not the old man's lapdog, this isn't a mission assigned by him. It's a bit more personal, but just as, if not more important."

K "Is that right?"

J "Yes."

K "Well, if it's not an official mission then it can't prevent me from taking you back, so let's go, you can kick up a fuss with Lord Hokage rather than me."

J "No no no no no, Kakashi, I can not go back yet."

K "Unless you have an official mission, or valid reasoning other than "classified", I'm taking you back."


J "Ummm....."

I think we should just tell him.

Sure, but don't just jump out there, it'll scare the hell outta him.

Then we need Pervy Sage's attention.

J "I uh... I need to confer... with uh, with myself real quick... over there."

K "I know someone else is here. Pakuun smelled them a while ago."

J "...damn dog. Alright well I need to go confer with them, I'll be right back."

K "Stay in my sight."

J "Fine but don't listen."

K "...fine."

J "K thanks byyeeee!"


J "You got a plan kid?"

KN "Just tell him, it'll work out probably."

J "Probably?"

K "I don't know, just try! We can't do anything if we don't."

J "Alright."

KN "Good luck!"

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