Ch 48

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J "Kid!"

K "Hey brat!"

KN "Huh? Kurama what the hell are you doing here?"

K "Trying to save your ass you idiot. Where is he?"

KN "He left."

H "He... left? That's it?"

J "So it was really him? That was the real deal?"

KN "Yeah. That was him."

H "How is he here? Did he also come back from th-"

KN "Don't day it out loud. Wait until we're somewhere safe again."

K "Naruto."

KN "I know Kurama. You can yell at me later but for now, we need to hold another meeting. We've got some important stuff to discuss."

H "Alright, I'll get started on that right away."

J "Kid, are you okay?"

KN "...As okay as I can be. It wasn't as bad as you all are thinking. Let's just go."

J "Okay."

H "For this meeting... perhaps it would be better to leave Tsunade our of this one, she'll be upset... more so than the rest of us about this... and it may be difficult to discuss when she's angry."

J "Have more faith in Tsunade, you treat her like a child. She may be quick to anger but she can act like an adult."

KN "I'm not excluding Granny Tsunade now. If you really don't trust her for this, me and Pervy Sage can talk to her separately, but she's not getting booted from this because something unexpected happened."

H "Alright. I'll take your word for it."


H "Shikaku, schedule another private meeting as soon as possible would you?"

S "Since when did I become the scheduler? Ah, nevermind I understand."

H "Also, tell Tsunade that Jiraiya would like to meet with her sometime before this meeting, please."

S "Okay, on it."

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