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Naruto's POV

"What?! How'd you do that? I swore I was winning ya know!"

"Well that means you're paying for dinner and answering all my questions."


"Tell you what, since I'm such an amazing and generous guy I'll let you pick where we go."

"Hmm... know any good Ramen shops around here?"

//at the ramen place//

"Man, kid you eat like you haven't seen good food in years."

"Ha, you could say that. Although I'm always like this when it comes to ramen."

Well, do you mind if I start asking you questions now?"

"Oh uh... yeah I guess that's fine." This was a bad idea, he's gonna think I'm insane!

Well worst case scenario, you have to flee and never encounter him again the entire time you're here, he tells the Hokage about you, potentially other villages too, eliminating any safe spaces you'd thought of, and are now forever on the run while still having to save the world. I mean, it's not as if this is one of the strongest shinobi currently alive with one of the greatest spy networks ever that covers almost the entire continent... oh wait.

Aren't you just so helpful today.


"Huh? Ah sorry could you repeat that."

"What's your real name."

"Um... right, here we go. My name is Naruto Uzumaki."



"I- look, it's a long story, and you're not gonna believe me so maybe you should just attack me now and save us both some time."

"No. Tell me the story."

"It won't make any sense."

"Than give me an outline, and I'll ask questions to help you fill in the details. I'm an author, stories are my deal."

Naruto continued to hesitate. Jiraiya was gonna think he's insane! Time travel? Really? That's so unbelievable.

Remember who started that seal?


That seal was Jiraiya's idea, it means that at some point, to some degree, he believed time travel may be possible. If anyone might actually believe you, it's him, don't you think?

Yeah... I guess so, thanks.

"Alrght, so I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the son of Kushina Uzumaki, and Minato Namikaze. I've traveled here from another time ya know. Uhh... where I'm from, a 4th great war started, and almost everyone died. You were my teacher, and you gave me this unfinished seal. I worked on finishing it, and ending up having to use it, so now I'm here."

"How old are you?"

"20? Or 21? My birthday is tomorrow, but that was when I was in my time, so how does that transfer over... is whatever day tomorrow is my new birthday? Am I gonna be 20 for longer than any other year?"

Worry about your birthday some other time, focus on the conversation.

Right, thanks

"How did this war start?"

"Oh... that's a long one."

"Alright then, who started it?"

"Okay so there was this guy in a weird mask, and at first he was a total dimwit, called himself Tobi, completely off the walls bonkers yeah? Well then at some point he claimed to be Madara Uchiha, and he had a sharingan so we believed him, because almost all thr Uchiha clan is dead. Wait has that happened yet?"


"Okay. Anyways, he completely freaked out the 5 kage, and so when he declared war they went with it. So it was the 5 nations and the samurai, against Madara Uchiha. Except not actually because during the war, we broke off his mask and it turned out he was Obito Uchiha, Kakashi Sensei's old teammate."

"Obito died in the 3rd war."

"Yeah, that's what sensei and everyone thought too, but actually he was saved by the real Madara, and then he was really angry at sensei for killing Rin so he didn't come back to the village. Well the actual Madara was reanimated during the war by Kabuto, Orochimaru's apprentice or whatever. Eventually Madara got brought back to life fully, but then Obito switched to our side. Obito died pretty soon after that though, and the war kept going for another 4 years."

"That's a lot to take in, but hard to believe you'd make up something this elaborate, especially when you know so much about people like Obito. How about we take a break, pay for the meal, take a walk, and pick this up after a breather. I'd like to start writing this down as we go."

"Oh... yeah okay. But actually.. I don't have any money."



"Fine. You owe me."

Race Against Time // Naruto Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now