Chapter 6: Oneiro

Start from the beginning

"I think you use Temporal Necromancy Magic, but I think you use two?" Alice shrugged. "I'm not sure, all I know is that our magic allows us to do stuff, like I'm able to form contacts with demons and shit that allows me to use their magic just by giving them some fingernails and hair. If they try going after my soul, they will be breaking the contract, and my magic will kick in by killing them on the spot."

"You're scary..." Jack sweatdropped, and in response to this, Alice giggled with a smile.

"Relax, my magic is very situational, and that's just about all it can do without the support of a devil or other very powerful entity." Alice reassured Jack. "To make up for it, I use my skills in mathematics and art to make magic circles to fight. I also have the most powerful spell of all at my side."

"What spell is that?"

"Glock 17."

Jack decided not to question it further and followed Alice, who suddenly took a turn into what looked to be a subway station entrance that led underneath a brick apartment building. The two adults walked down the steps, noticing how the walls were made of red bricks, however, there was a lot of graffiti covering most of the bricks, Jack was not sure what kind of place Alice was leading him to, but whatever. There were white bars of light on the ceiling, giving the area light, but these ones were mostly broken, and were flickering like a scene out of a horror movie. As they kept on descending the stairs, Jack noticed the sound of clashing metal began filling his ears, like something was being forged. Jack followed Alice onto the last flight of stairs and looked around the place. The place where they entered looked like an old subway station that was turned into a small marketplace, and all of the stalls were selling a variety of tools. Some had high quality weapons, another had potions, the third had nets and explosives, the fourth had armor, the fifth had magic crystals, and so on.

"Come on, the stuff they sell here are for Guardians and Sanctuary students only." Alice guided her friend through the marketplace, and Jack noticed how one stand was selling different birds like hawks and falcons. They were walking until they came across one particular stand where a woman with dark hair and a samurai-like appearance was waiting for the stand owner to finish her weapon, which looked to be a long katana. "Well that's surprising, someone is actually here before us, usually there's almost no one here. Oh well, time to introduce ourselves."

"But that involves social interaction, and I am not for that." Jack didn't want to talk to someone, much less a total stranger.

"Hey, she's either a fully fledged guardian or a student of Sanctuary, both situations are good because she can either give us tips if she's a pro or can be our friend when we go to Sanctuary." Alice was optimistic, unlike the goth stereotype.

Ignoring her friend's obvious hate for social interaction, Alice pulled Jack's Hand towards the booth, where the girl got her sword. Upon closer inspection, Jack say how her raven hair was tied back with a pink ribbon that matched her eye color. She gave the blade a testing thrust along with a couple test slashes. She appeared to be satisfied and reached into her pocket to pull out a wallet, and from her wallet she pulled out a credit card. She handed her credit card to the blacksmith, who began entering it into the computer/register. While the woman was waiting, Alice tapped on her shoulder, causing the woman to turn around.

"Hello, how might I help you?" The girl spoke in a traditional and formal accent, giving Jack the impression that she was responsible and poised. "Oh, you two look like you're soon to be students of Sanctuary."

"Yep, I'm Alice, and this is Jack." Alice introduced herself and then me, causing the samurai woman to eye me.

"My name is Mifu, and I'm a swordsman, or swordswoman if you wish to be technical." The newly dubbed Mifu sheathed her sword on her back, and something tells Jack it could only be sheathed on her back because it was quite long. "What about you two? What classes are you?"

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