24. Breaking Point

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The smoke coming off their guns were steaming as they looked in shock and disbelief from what the heroine did.

Fubuki looked behind her to see the family on the ground with bullet holes in them, the cold wet ground was being drenched with blood.

Leading back to where we are now, Fubuki's blood was beginning to boil, her hands were clenched in a rage she had never felt before, she turns her body as her head was tilting in a creepy like fashion as she stared at the thugs as her eyes began to glow blue, she stepped forward, the thugs began to back away in fear, until there leader spoke out, "What's wrong with you bloody wankers, kill the bitch!"

The other 5 thugs following orders charged Fubuki. Her mind was too clouded with what had happened, truth is she doesn't even know if this was her fault for not using her esper abilities to stop the bullets instead or if those thugs were to blame for, all that was left was rage, and shame.

Truth is, she didn't even want to use her esper abilities against these thugs, no, that was not the case at all, she wanted to use her own hands. And that is exactly what she was going to do and nobody would tell her otherwise. The first strike was about to connect to Fubuki's face until this happened.

The boss couldn't comprehend what he was see and listen to, blood was splattered across the walls, the sound of bones were breaking one by one, the echoes of the painful screams coming the men were agonizing as they were begging for the horrible pain to finally but there own words were falling on deaf ears.

The sounds of blue streaks were also being heard, with each hit being connected to living flesh and bones, it was sounding like the very same gunshots much like the ones that had killed the family.

Sometimes each material artist would use their fighting abilities for defense, every strike was a message that would tell the attacker that the techniques were filled with discipline, dedication, willpower, and inner strength. Each martial art has always been a message that it was meant to protect, never for personal sport or revenge.

But sadly for these thugs, this was a different message that Fubuki was sending their way, each strike was enough to break through walls but she was holding back a lot because she wanted them to know exactly what it was like to feel completely broken, helpless, and afraid. Her attacks were only filled with rage, bloodlust, and vengeance.

These guys thought that they were in the presence of a hero, no, not one bit, this dread of despair was washing over them, it felt like they were in the presence of a monster.

Limbs were facing the directions they shouldn't be facing at all, bones were broken and sticking out, blood was bursting out from the mouths of the thugs.

The bodies lay on the ground barely alive, some were passing out from shock while the others were gasping for breath over what had happened, it felt like they had escaped death itself by dumb luck, lighting echoed from the heavens as Fubuki disappeared in an instant from the boss' view as a cold chill ran down his own spine, the state of fear he was in was telling him to not look behind him as he already knew the answer to that, all of his instincts were telling him to run, and only run from whatever fate Fubuki had in store for him.

The man pulls out a buck knife from his belt holster hoping the woman wouldn't notice until he spins to aim the blade at Fubuki's neck, a blue streak flowing from delicate fingers snapped the blade in half as the leader felt a sharp stab in his shoulder making him yell out in pain.

Fubuki slammed the obese criminal into the wall, her forearm pressed against the man's throat as she held him there. Blood dripped from his busted nose onto Fubuki's dress, leaving dark stains along the fabric of her black dress as the rain was soaking the dress making it stick to her body.

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