Chapter 9

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Three chapters later and another thousand reads. Thanks a lot!


Serena hadn't gotten a chance to catch her breath after Ash came back, because the moment he did, The boy couldn't keep standing and nearly fell over.

Greninja had caught him and sat his old trainer next to Serena before returning to his Pokeball. Even the pokemon seemed tired since it had spent a lot of time collecting berries.

And now, Serena was sitting next to her crush, holding him as they leaned against the cave walls. The performer had never felt so conscious of someone next to her. This caused her anxiety to rapid-fire when the black-haired teen started to breathe weirdly.

"Ugh..." he groaned. A searing pain shot through his head, which was strangely nostalgic. He'd get this feeling often after merging with Greninja, and it would last a while. Though, he was sure this one wouldn't go away anytime soon thanks to his dainty condition.

"A-ash? What's going on?!" Serena yelled in panic. Ash's face was turning red, and his hands hadn't warmed up in the slightest since he returned to the cave. His condition was severe- more than hers had been.   

The sick teen made a small smile, trying to reassure her, "I'm fine. My head just... hurts..!" The pain flared up as he continued to speak. The awkward silence between them had begun to dissipate and morph into worry. They both didn't have the time or energy to keep their distance anymore.

The cave had little to no noise coming from it. The Pokemon were all sleeping peacefully on the side, and the two teens had been silently passing time in each other's presence. Now, it felt like a clock that was ticking down.

"You're burning up as well... This is bad," Serena bit her lip. Her heart felt hollow just seeing his pained expression and weak breaths. If the storm didn't clear up soon, things could get dangerous to a fatal degree.

The performer felt at a loss, unsure of what to do. Was she supposed to feed him the berries first or let him rest up? She knew food came first, but that was usually to go along with medicine, which she didn't have at the moment. Would it be safer to just let him sleep for now?

While she contemplated, Ash's condition was worsening at an alarming rate, almost like his sickness had finally caught up with his adrenaline-filled body. The second he relaxed, everything came crashing down- and she had to deal with the remains.

It's not like I'm burdened, so it should be fine. All I have to do is be beside him and support him if he needs it.

Serena wouldn't dare to consider this task a burden. Ash had gone through a lot just trying to keep her safe, which resulted in him being in such a weak state. If she could offer back even a fraction of what he gave, that would be enough.

Suddenly, a Pokeball shook. it rolled onto the floor, suddenly opening up and spouting out a bipedal frog-ninja. Greninja had come out of his Pokeball for no apparent reason, yet perfectly timed. 

In all honesty, Serena had forgotten he was there. Her focus had been on Ash, and Ash alone. Greninja seemed to have realized that as well returned to his Pokeball, not saying a word since he entered the cave. She was grateful for his consideration- and the tons of berries he brought along for everyone to eat.

But, something seemed different about the frog. The water-type Pokemon stared at her with judgemental eyes. Serena felt uncomfortable under his serious glare, which seemed to scan her soul. "G-greninja?"

The ninja didn't respond. He merely stood up and moved closer to her and Ash, the look in his eye unchanging. The performer unconsciously gulped, anxiety budding across her body. The Pokemon seemed to have grown a serious side over the years, and she didn't understand why he suddenly decided to direct it at her.

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