Chapter 7

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One thousand reads in less than two weeks of publishing this book. I don't know if that's necessarily good, but I still thank you all for the reads. I'll go try hard on this one chapter with fluff.


As the Kalos Queen and her 'boyfriend' traveled, the word continued to spread far and wide. People had gotten many pictures of the two holding hands or sitting on a bench together like a proper couple.

The news caused a roar. Serena, the Kalos Queen, who was known to be distant from men, was acting like a lovestruck teenager. It was a sight to behold.

The teen had been searching through PokeVision the other day and saw a video regarding her relationship with the Pokemon trainer.

She had been on the site for different reasons, but that reason faded away as she delved into videos of herself and Ash.

The pictures in there were a mix of blurry, quick flashes on a person's phone, and others were clear and taken as if they were at a photoshoot. The honey-blonde couldn't stop gushing at how lovestruck they looked.

The comments on these photo collages were mixed with positivity and shock. While most were surprised at her leaked love life, others were in a midst of showing support for the two. It boosted Serena's confidence through the roof.

But, three days later, the girl was at a loss. They were close to arriving at Lumiose City, but she hadn't been able to spend much time with Ash.

The boy had gone into tunnel vision as they traveled, spending mere moments of rest as he trained tirelessly with Ampharos and the rest of his Pokemon.

All she heard was battling. Dirt ripping off the ground, shouting of orders, and the roars of Pokemon as they used their moves. Explosion after explosion, like a rhythm. Serena thought she would go mad.

But results were beginning to show for themselves. Ampharos had begun to trust Ash a bit after seeing his genius in action, and his growth started to grow in large margins. Serena could no longer even think of beating Ampharos as easily as she did before, and it amazed her.

But frankly, she also felt very lonely. Ash hadn't been able to give her much attention thanks to his constant training. It wasn't like she needed attention like a baby, but she definitely would prefer more than a small conversation every other hour.

Even now, Ash was in a heated battle with his Pokemon as they took a small break. Serena watched from the sidelines, bored.

"Ampharos, Now!" Ash yelled. For the last three days, he'd been trying to get Ampharos to 'do its magic' as he describes it. The light pokemon hadn't been able to do so, unfortunately. It was physically fine, so there was some sort of mental barrier.

"Argh, not again.." Ash mused, falling to the floor. His new pokemon had failed to do the move and was laying on the floor, miserable. Its pride was a bit hurt from the disappointment Ash felt, even though it wasn't directed at it.

The three days of nonstop training had also started to show its drawbacks, as fatigue littered every Pokemon's face. Truthfully, Serena was surprised they had only started to face the side effects now.

"Ash, how about you take a break?" Serena asked as gently as she could, "You've been at it for three days now."

Ash furrowed his eyebrows, disliking the idea. "..I guess. I'd rather train more, but a break is important too," Ash said with a smile. He glanced over to his pocket monsters, who gave a big thumbs up.

Serena glanced at the Ampharos, which hadn't said anything for a while. He was tired, both physically and mentally.

The Ampharos, which had seen Ash's amazing team in action, wanted to catch up to them. As the newest addition to the team, the light Pokemon wanted to prove itself. And it thought the only way to do so was to win a battle.

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