Chapter 6

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I just found out Ash finally won a Championship recently. It's something I never thought I'd hear, but it happened, and this is the best time to give Ash his well-deserved rest as the main character. He's been a great protagonist across the years, but I think it's time to say goodbye.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Enjoy.

Ash had a strange dream the other day. All he saw was water. Its blue hue covered his vision and a weird feeling of floating encapsulated him. He didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest, but rather a bit comfortable. The coolness of the water felt comfortable, like a light wind blowing on a hot day.

That was it. Ash couldn't remember anything else. The water, while it only appeared as the setting of his dream, felt like it was calling out to him in some way. He shrugged his head at the weird thoughts flowing through him.

There were a lot of things he had to consider if he wanted to take the dream seriously. From the fleeting memories of the strange dream, he tried to piece together something. Ash might have looked like a paranoid person over their astrological reading for the day.

But he had a special relationship with his dreams. Strange ones like these always had one thing or the other to do with his life, in many ways. It was like seeing the future.

And so, the thoughts bothered him well into his day. Pikachu had started to grow worried. The little Pokemon called out to Ash often, asking what was on his mind, But his trainer brushed it off with an excuse. This made him worry even more.

The Pokemon had to think of something. And as Ash headed out of the room, an idea popped into his head. Who else could ask him other than the one and only Kalos Queen?

He jumped off Ash's shoulder and ran towards Serena's room. The black-haired boy decided to do some early morning training like usual, but Pikachu said he would come later.

Knocking on the door, the electric mouse eagerly awaited an answer. A sleepy Delphox opened the door, saw Pikachu, and was startled. It was expecting Ash but got his best friend instead. And he was far shorter.

Delphox asked why Pikachu was there, her voice laced with concern. The electric mouse looked worried. Pikachu was quick to the point. With various expressions and body movements, he left an uncomfortably vivid image in the fox's mind of what had happened.

Pikachu then explained what he wanted from Delphox- to be specific, her trainer. Delphox's eyes widened as if Pikachu had said something shocking, which he hadn't.

"Pika?" The mouse asked, tilting its head. Delphox shook its head, trying to wipe away strange thoughts in its head. Pikachu had said some things that she agreed with.

Delphox had started to understand that her trainer's presence had some sort of effect on Ash, let it be small. And if he was hurting, it was best to let her deal with him.

It seemed that Delphox had misunderstood the situation into one that was far more serious than it was. With a heavy face, she nodded and let the mouse in.

They both walked into the bathroom, where Serena was brushing her teeth. Her hair was damp, and so were a few parts of her pajamas from the dripping water. She had just taken a shower.

She was quick to notice the two. "Hm? Delphox and Pikachu?" she said out loud, "Wait! If Pikachu's here, then is Ash here too?!" She yelled. With haste, the girl covered up her hair with a towel and tried to dry it quickly.

The fox calmed down her trainer. She explained the situation, although much more grimly than Pikachu. Even the mouse was confused by her tone.

Serena wasn't very fluent in the Pokemon language if she were honest, but she got the gist of the story, "So something did happen yesterday, and he's still acting weird.."

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