Chapter 3

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Again, wow. There are so many of you guys around six years later. Within two days this book managed to reach over a hundred views, and I'm grateful.

Serena walked behind Ash with a bright flame in her eye. She stared at his back intensely, brainstorming.

How do you flirt in the first place?

An odd question for a seventeen-year-old who charmed an entire region, claiming the title of Kalos Queen. Of all people, it should be her that answered such questions.

Well, The media has tried to make me answer before...

She shivered merely from the memory. All the camera in her face with eager news reporters asking for a heavy scoop: Did she have plans on getting a boyfriend?

The naive girl mentioned she had a boy in mind a few years ago during a masterclass-exclusive interview. When she became Kalos Queen, that statement became the source of many questions and debates.

If they were to find out that the boy she referred to was the same one walking in front of her, what would they think?

Ash looked ordinary from the outside. He wore normal clothes, acted normally, and seemed like your average teenager. 

What would the media think when they found out how much time she spent fawning over such an 'average' guy? 

What would they think of the days she spent planning just to suggest eating at some restaurant?

What would they say if she revealed how hard she tried to gain his attention, only to fail miserably?


Silence remained. There was nobody there to judge it- after all, nobody knew. 

My private life isn't their business anyway.

Serena focused on the path ahead of her. The two had been walking for a good half hour, having an occasional chat before going back to gazing at their surroundings.

The blonde would never get used to the gorgeous scenery of Kalos, no matter the season.

Instead of beautiful plants spread across the fields and cicadas croaking, a white veil covered the usually green terrain. There was a calming silence around them that made her body feel light.

A few Pokemon scurried around the trees, collecting berries and other edible food. They weren't Pocket Monsters native to the area, but rather migratory ones.

In a few months, they'd migrate back, which made them a rare sight.

"Those Pokemon are lucky," Serena mumbled to nobody in particular, "They've got a warm coat of fur. It must be nice and fluffy." 

The performer knew it wasn't all rainbow and sunshine with irremovable fur, but it seemed nice when she was freezing in her boots.

"Are you that cold?" Ash asked, baffled. He turned around and looked at her stiff frame with concern.

The blonde pouted. Feeling cold despite her heavy clothing wasn't something she could control. Plus, her pockets were too small to even fit her hands.

"Of course I am!" The girl exclaimed, crossing her arms. Her light breath frosted over, a white puff releasing from her mouth. 

"Gosh, my hands are freezing.."

Ash stared at her for a moment, then looked away as if embarrassed over something. He started walking again without a word.

Serena huffed, still pouting. She thought he was being uncaring of her predicament.

Still, What do I want him to do? Offer his pocket?

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