Chapter 8

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A day had passed since the nine Pokemon had last seen their trainers. They currently were in a small cave, huddled together. Their fire was bright and large thanks to one of Ash's Pokemon, but it didn't make up for the icy blizzard outside.

The interior of the cave wasn't any better. When they first got in, there was a large layer of ice coating every surface, and they had to melt it away. Even now, they could hear the rhythmic noise of water droplets falling onto the rocky floor from somewhere.

But, besides themselves, all the Pokemon were worried about their trainers. While they could secure food, create fires, and keep warm thanks to their moves and typings, their owners could not do the same.

People were weak. Far too weak for their good. In a world driven by Pokemon, the human race had lost their natural survival skills and now relied on Pokemon to make up for it.

The ideology wasn't necessarily wrong, since it had led to such beautiful relationships between humans and picket monsters. But when separated, it was two different situations.

Pikachu sang a small song. There were no real lyrics, as it was in the Pokemon language, but it had a tone of hope within it. The veteran Pokemon from Ash's team could tell it was the electric mouse's way of coping with being away from its best friend. The song must have been one of the two sung together often.

Ampharos watched Pikachu with a blank expression. The light Pokemon felt like its head was foggy, unable to form proper thoughts. Its new trainer was suddenly gone, amid a snowstorm. The rookie had no idea whether he was okay or not.

Delphox adjusted its sitting position next to Ampharos for the hundredth time. The fox couldn't seem to sit still, worry evident in her expression. Pancham and Sylveon weren't in a better state to comfort the bigger Pokemon, silently worrying in the corner of the group.

One of Ash's Pokemon tried to reason with all of them, saying that their trainers were probably fine and that they should focus on conserving strength to search for them when the storm stopped.

They all agreed initially, the adrenaline of escaping the blizzard still running through their blood. But, time slowly ticked by, and it got worse. The wind was now roaring, snow pelting the ground like hail. Any Pokemon or person still outside was at serious risk of getting injured, which didn't help the gloomy mood.

The cave was too small to do much in. Two of Ash's Pokemon tried to spar, but they almost caved themselves in. They were now slumped over, bored out of their minds.

Sylveon, who could sense their emotions, spoke up. She was a bit disturbed that they didn't seem worried in the slightest. No, scratch that, the black-haired boy's entire team excluding Ampharos wasn't worried.

Four of them glanced at the other five, confused. It was unnatural to not be worried, but these monsters were only concerned about the storm ending.
What kind of pokemon was like that?

Pikachu stopped singing and glanced at Sylveon. Sylveon noticed his gaze and turned to him, hoping for some sort of response. Fortunately for her, she did get one.

The mouse walked up to her and placed a paw on her feeler, trying to convey his feelings. "Pi-Pika-Chu."

The fairy-type met his eyes. The sheer amount of trust flowing into her made her nauseous. Pikachu didn't doubt his trainer a bit, knowing that he was fine no matter what the situation was.

The mouse had spent most of its life with Ash.

Sylveon glanced at the rest of his team. They all had the same glint in their eyes. It wasn't that they didn't care, but rather they didn't need to. They trusted their trainer to such a degree it was unbelievable. As Pokemon, that was the greatest feat possible.

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