The End

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"They're on to us!" Jaehyun exclaimed. "Let's move out!"

Ten moved out first. Shohei followed closely behind, and after a quick glance in Yuta's direction, he shut the door behind Seunghan. Once in the hallway, Jaehyun pulled out his cell and started punching in numbers, but before he could even finish dialing, the sound of Seunghan throwing an apple at the door forced the quiet member out of his hiding spot.It took Eunseok sixteen tries to knock out Taeyong, but once he did, Seunghan's shouts and insults gave way to incoherent cries and pleading. He released Shohei, who moved to Seunghan's defense, and Johnny didn't hesitate. He grabbed Shohei by the toe and threw him against the wall.

"Your password! Now!" Jaehyun shouted at him.

"No way!" Shohei begged. "Not even a chance?"

"In that case, just shut up and let's go," Eunseok snapped.

The three walked around to the back of the mansion, and once there, Shohei quickly scribbled down his Reddit password. After he pressed "enter" on his phone's keyboard, a car engine started up and the vehicle sped away.

Ten leaned back in his seat, staring at the front door. He glanced at Yuta, who leaned back in his seat, asleep. Seunghan's screams had been silenced, and the door had closed behind him. Ten closed his eyes for a moment and sighed.

"Why do I get the feeling we're gonna get tossed out of here tonight?"

Jaehyun meanwhile, was hacking Sungchan's Reddit account to see what he did on there. He turned on the video function and started recording. He played it back for everyone to see.

A seemingly distraught Sungchan was telling the story of the five people in front of him. He did a voice over, narrating the time they went to the swimming pool to enjoy their weekend, and how they all went swimming, and eventually all went to the dance floor to dance together.

Sungchan's voice was calm, steady, and soft. The same way Sungchan always spoke to his family members, in one of his fathers' secret meetings or another, to his nanny, to Taeyong. He always spoke in a calm and consoling way, which was why he was loved by all. Except Shotaro, who preferred sashimi.

Eunseok pushed a few buttons on the laptop and turned it off. He locked it up and walked back to the front door.

"Let's go see if the rest of the house is empty," he suggested.

Jaehyun stood, and cartwheeled, landing in the lake. Luckily, his mermaid genetics saved him, and he was able to swim back to shore. Seunghan and Shohei followed his lead, and Yuta struggled against Seunghan's grip to stay on the ground. Taeyong made it back to the house easily, but Shohei hadn't gotten the memo and was still in Vegas. Johnny and Yuta remained on the balcony until Johnny was able to coax Yuta down. He smiled at Johnny, letting him know that it was okay.

Yuta walked to the spot where Eunseok and Shohei sat and took a photo, then sent it to dispatch as his side hustle. Seunghan and Eunseok didn't see the photo or the message, but when the van was pulled to the side of the highway, they quickly looked at the five people still left behind and realized that Seunghan had died.

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