The Beginning of The End

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Ten started a revolt against fruit.They demanded that the government cut back on the amount of fruit it distributed, and they also wanted to limit the number of people who could get a piece of fruit. The government didn't want to give in to their demands, but after some discussion, it agreed to cut back on the amount of fruit it gave out. 

The government decided to do this by giving out smaller pieces of fruit. It also decided to limit the number of people who could get a piece of fruit. This was done by limiting the number of people who could get a piece of fruit each day.

The government decided that Mark also didn't need fruit. When Mark found out that he wasn't going to get any fruit, he was upset. He thought that he would be able to live without fruit for a while, but he quickly realised that he couldn't. Mark's parents were worried about him, and they talked to him about his situation. They told him that he would have to go to school. They also told him that he had to eat breakfast. They said that if he didn't eat breakfast, he wouldn't be able to go to school. 

Mark was really upset. He didn't want to go to school. He was going to revolt against the fruit revolt. The next day, when Mark came home from school, he told his parents that he was going to eat breakfast. His parents were very happy. They knew that Mark would not rebel again.

After a few days, Mark's parents told him that he could have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Mark was very happy. He loved cereal. He was going to eat cereal every morning.
One day, Mark's parents decided that they would give him a bowl of cereal every morning. This was a good idea because it was healthy. It was also a good idea because Mark was distracted from his campaign against Ten and his fruit revolt. 

The first morning, Mark ate his cereal. He ate it all. He ate the milk too. He ate the bowl. He ate the spoon. He ate the table. He ate the floor. He ate the wall. He ate the ceiling. He ate the roof. He ate the sky. He ate the clouds. He ate the stars. He ate the moon. He ate the sun. He ate the earth. He ate the grass. He ate the trees. He ate the flowers. He ate the bushes. He ate the bushes. He ate the grass. He ate the SM dungeon, and then Johnny gave him a Snickers. 

I was so mad I wanted to kill him. But he was my brother, and I couldn't do that. So I took his Snickers. He looked at me with those big eyes of his. He said, "You're not going to eat it, are you?" "No," I said. "I'm going to share it with you." I had never shared a Snickers before. It was like eating candy for the first time. Johnny smiled. "Good," he said. "I was worried you were going to eat everything at one point. You aren't you when you're hungry.""I'm not that hungry," I said. "No, but you're a little bit hungry," he said. "I am not," I said. "You are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said, but then Yuta flew by on his personal helicopter shaped like a watermelon. 

"Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," he said. "I'm not," I said. "Yes, you are," Yuta said, then he flicked a switch and noodles began raining down. 

"You're a good cook," he said. "Yes," I said. "No," he said. "Yes," I said. "No," he said. "Yes," I said."No," he said. "Yes," I said. "No," he said. "Yes," I said. "No," he said. "Yes," I said. "No," he said. Then Yuta rocket launched himself to Venus and was never seen again. 

I am not a great fan of the new Star Wars movie, but I am a great fan of Yuta. He is my favorite character in the new movie. I like him because he is a kid, and kids are the best. Kids are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. They are the best. 

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