It's a Win-Win

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Winwin had decided that he was better off getting far away from Ten. He had no real plan to get away and neither did Johnny so they spent time enjoying the weather and each other's company. On the twenty-fifth they had to leave after Yuta explained that he would be the new chef at Taeil's Michelin star restaurant. 

 On the last day of the festival, Winwin decided that he was going to need a boat to get away from the festival. He bought one and he went back to see Mark. He found Johnny there with Mark. 

 "My hero!" Cried Johnny, collapsing into Winwin's arms whilst Mark gave him the death glare.

 "Why did you beat me up?" Winwin asked Johnny. 

 "My uncle beat me up!" Johnny explained. 

 "That's bullshit Johnny. I was the only one who beat you up. We both have to prove to others that we are the ones beating people up," said Sungchan. He was holding a Met Gala invitation.

 "Come to Mark's house," said Jeno."We have a home! It's ten metres from Mark's house and it has a pool! It's not that bad," said Johnny. 

 Ten had to admit that he wasn't sure. He had never been to Johnny's house but he didn't think Johnny would have a pool. But Mark liked fruit... 

 As the festival came to an end, Mark's restaurant shut down and Jeno invited them to visit his home. Ten and Johnny were excited but Mark had to warn them that he lived in the middle of a large coconut. Ten didn't mind that too much. But he was going to take Mark to court for trying to poison him. 

 Mark had a lot of land but it was his thirty-eight acres that they were looking at. He liked having the twenty five acres that he had for his winery. 

 "Hey Mark, you have an apartment or something?" Asked Yuta. The group were slowly getting sunburnt as it turned out Mark had sold his home for six watermelons about a month ago.

 "Yeah, I have a condo but I also have a house. I have ten apartments here that I rent out. Why don't you have your friends stay there instead of my house?" 

 "Well that's more than ten years ago.' Argued Winwin. "Back when I actually liked kimchi." 

 "My parents have ten apartments here and they live in all of them. That's why my dad doesn't like having you here." 

 "This has been very strange to me. I've been looking around for my parents and now you say they live here?" Jeno asked. "I thought I was an orphan!" 

 "The only child here is Johnny," said Mark."Ah, Johnny... He's my friend. I mean it's a bit weird," explained Mark. 

"You never told me he was here...""I'm here now!" Yuta hugged Johnny. 

 "The first hug I've ever had," said Johnny, although he wasn't hugging Yuta back. "I wanted it to be Jungwoo." 

 "You shouldn't have said that Johnny." 

 "Yeah... My mom's dead, Johnny," Yuta explained. "She died in my arms from a heart attack."

 "I'm sorry Yuta," said Mark. "Johnny, I want you to stay in the torture chamber tonight. Ten has some testing he wants to test." 

 "I can't sleep in the torture chamber! I might get hurt!" 

 "I don't think that's a problem with Yuta." 

 Ten was sitting outside Johnny's room with the door open when Yuta came back from checking on Winwin. He was slowly seducing Winwin and was planning on elevating him to a godly status.

 "Hi Yuta," said Johnny. 

 "Hi Johnny," replied Yuta. "My mom keeps reminding me to call you that!" 

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