The Forest Raid

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Lee's pov

"Alright students, get up!" I am suddenly woken up by a loud voice. "We are heading outside, be there by 5 minutes!" Vlad King ordered.

I got up groggily and went through my morning routine.

When I met him outside he assigned me with the same group from yesterday to train with Tiger. This time we weren't really fighting him though, we were just doing exercises to strengthen our bodies.

The day went by like Guy-sensei's youth, and we are already back to making our own food again.

And apparently, Pixie Bob wants us to do the test of courage. Most of the rules she said went through one ear and out the other so I don't have a clear idea of what I'm doing. But I do remember that I need to scare Class A in the forest.

So when we were let loose I just ran into somewhere random and waited, and waited, and waited.

Ok seriously, where are all the people at? I've been waiting for at least 10 minutes now.

I take a sigh in frustration. Wait a minute, the air smells a little smoky. Did they make a bonfire?

I look up into the sky to check out the smoke, but there is something strange. It seems to be generating from a source of blue light.

"Everyone!" Suddenly, a voice is talking to me and made me hop a little, this must be Mandalay's quirk. She's probably going to tell me what's behind the smoke. "We're being attacked by villains, please get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across an enemy, retreat and do not engage!"


We're being attacked by villains? How? And it would be nice to know where camp is in the first place!

I wander around the forest, and I see some pink smoke thing. That kind of made me drowsy when I inhaled it. Probably the work of a villain.

I put my shirt over my mouth hoping it would have some kind of effect, probably not but still worth a try.

As I continue to wander around I hear some muffled voices and followed them. When it got a closer look, it was Tetsutetsu ,Kendo, and Kodai. Along with Shiozaki and Honenuki unconscious.

"Hey guys!" I call out.

They turn around, their eyes widen before relaxing in relief as they recognize me.

"Oh Lee, glad you're safe! Take one of these masks!" Kendo greeted as she handed over a gas mask.

"Thanks!" I said as I put it on. "So, what're we doing?" I ask.

"We should go back to camp, we don't know how many villains there are." Kendo answered.

"No, I will fight too!" Tetsutetsu replied.

"What? Mandalay told us not to fight!" Kendo discouraged.

"You've always been rebuking with Monoma, but he has a point. What's the difference between us and Class A?" Tetsutetsu started. "We've took the same exam, studying the same curriculum. What is the difference? It's obvious! They had a crisis, they turned that disaster into opportunities. Besides, what kind of hero turns his back on wrongdoers?" Tetsutetsu explained. "Don't try to stop me, if we don't turn up now, when will we? I will find the villains, and proceed to give them brain damage!" Tetsutetsu made a fist of steel.

I spoke up. "I agree, you've said it before. We don't know how many villains there are. Maybe the teachers won't be able to handle them although they won't admit it. The least we can do is take some weight off their shoulders!" I reasoned. "My first sensei told me that if I want to be a hero then I have to protect everyone. So that's what I am going to do! I'm done, sitting on the sidelines and feeling sorry for myself!"

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