First day at U.A

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A/N: ngl this chapter is pretty boring, you can skip this one if y'all like.

Narrator's pov

Lee thought that all the stress will stop after he passed the entrance exams. But now, as he stands outside the door to his class, he was just as nervous as before. He doesn't go well with people, y'know because he was bullied and all that.

But he knew this would happen, he can't become the world's first quirkless hero if he was afraid of the people he's working/defending. Guy-sensei would walk through the door with no hesitation and a confident smile, so he will do the same.

Lee opens the door, immediately he sees a lot of unique looking people.

He sees a mean looking person with silver hair and something around his eyes.

He sees what looks like a Neanderthal with glasses.

An orange haired girl who he already knows will be popular.

He sees a human version of the pokemon 'Scyther' in real life.

He sees a blonde haired boy with a smirk of insanity.

Basically, there are a lot of interesting individuals in his class.

The orange haired girl approached him.

"Hey, Lee right? My name is Itsuka Kendo." The girl greeted

Lee was taken a back by this, he isn't really good with people, he literally got mocked by them "U-uhm, yeah. May I ask how you know my name." Lee asked out of genuine curiosity 

"Oh come on! Of course we would hear about the student who destroyed a zero point robot with no difficulties!" Kendo answered 

"O-ok Kendo nice to meet-"

"Yet another capable individual has rounded up in the team of class 1. Perfect" a voice cut in. Kendo and Lee turn their heads to the voice which belonged to the boy with blonde hair. "Name is Naito Monoma, pleasure to meet you.

Before Lee could reply the door handle turned, the class turned their heads to see who was coming in. In comes a tall, muscular man with spiked grey hair wearing a skin-right dark red suit with a  u-shaped collar.

Sekijiro Kan, blood hero: Vlad King

"Let's save some time and do introductions later, go get changed into your uniforms and meet me outside on the practice field, which is labeled above 2 doors, you can't miss it." Vlad King immediately gave out instructions "You have 10 minutes, get moving."

Almost instinctively, the whole class moved towards their locker rooms. They pray that their teacher won't be so scary the whole year.

[Skip to the field]

They were at an extremely large dirt field after they changed. There were painted white lines to indicate boundaries. But Lee was just amazed at how big the field is.

"To kick off the year, we will start by doing quirk comprehension training to show me what you can do." Vlad began "The entrance exams helped us see your potential, but this test will show us your limits." He then dropped a bucket filled with baseballs. "Any volunteer to go first?"

The boy with silver hair stepped up. "I'll go first and show everyone how it's done!" The boy yelled.

Vlad tossed him a ball "Then set the bar, anything goes as long as you're within the circle."

The boy smirked before he suddenly became the man of steel. He shines under the sun as he goes into his stance. He launched the ball towards the sun. He smirked as he returns to the group.

Vlad King flipped the device he was holding and showed it to the class '293 meters' 

"Hell yeah!" The boy yelled.

Vlad King walked in front of the class "We're at U.A, we accept the best of the best who have proven themselves. You've all earned your spot here, but now you need to keep it. During these tests, I want you to challenge your limits. I want you to go all beyond, plus ultra. Now let the games begin. Vlad King finished

He took the class to a race track

"You will take turns to be put up against a random student for a 50-meter dash." Vlad explained.

During the tests, Lee was doing nicely, though he wasn't the best,

His 50-meter dash was great, 5.4 seconds just behind few students. His grip strength was pretty average though, only 91 kg which is great for regular humans. But Kendo and the boy who he learned is Tetsutetsu have quirks suited for that. Next was the standing long jump, which Lee almost crossed it but didn't. Then was the sideways jump, Lee excelled at it and got the same place during his 50-meter dash, finally the softball throw, which Lee only got 142 meters in.

Lee was pretty motivated by the test. It shows he can compete with the students of the best school of Japan, while also showing him he can still get better.

Vlad King rounded the class up for a final talk. "You all did well today, I asked you all to go beyond plus ultra and that's what you did." Vlad complimented "Keep up this work, and you will for sure be at a different level by the end of the year. And with that, I'd like to finish the day and welcome you all to U.A." Vlad finished and dismissed all the students.

Lee went from class to class and in all honesty, he liked the school. The food was top tier as it was produced by Lunch Rush. The school was in top condition thanks to its success. The teachers were nice and Lee got to know everyone's names in his class. 

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