The battle trial

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Narrator's pov

Lee sat down in his seat in the hero training class. Some rumors already started about him being quirkless throughout the day. But for now, he didn't care. The classes were boring, but this class is what he's gonna wait for everyday.

"I AM HERE!" They suddenly hear a voice from behind the door "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might suddenly were in front of them all.

All the students watch in amazement, everyone's childhood idol is in front of them in person

Many students commented in admiration as he walked behind his desk.

"Welcome to the most important class of U.A! Here you will learn the most important basics to being a hero!" All Might started "Let's get into it! Todays lesson will pull no punches!" All Might showed the class a card that says 'BATTLE'

The students have mixed expressions, some were excited and others were confused that they're fighting this early.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is... LOOKING GOOD!" He says as he points at a wall where lockers start sliding in "These we're designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started!"

The class erupted in cheers once again.

Rock Lee's excitement is waiting to burst at this point, not only is All Might going to teach him, but he's also receiving his costume while testing himself against his classmates.

"Get yourself suited up and then meet me at training ground beta!"

"Yes sir!" The class responded simultaneously.

Lee went to the lockers and dressed up. His costume was a direct inspiration to Guy-sensei. He wore a green jumpsuit, orange striped leg warmers with his weights inside them.

He and his class went outside and he has to say, there are some amazing costumes in the class.

All Might explained what they are going to do. There will be 2 teams, heroes and villains. The villains have to protect their fake bomb or catch the heroes. while the heroes have to touch it, or trap the villains with tape. Vlad made them pay attention to a screen on a nearby wall which will determine who's fighting. It began rolling to determine who will be fighting first. The slots slow down as it reveals who's fighting first.

Heroes: Rock Lee, Kosei Tsuburaba

Villains: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Sen Kaibara

Lee was surprised, he didn't expect to go first. But it doesn't matter, what's done is done and now all he can do is give it his all.

It wasn't long before he and his fellow hero, Kosei Tsuburaba were outside the building they were going to fight in. Kosei's costume was a simple light blue jacket, with pale pants, a black shirt underneath, and he wears large brown boots with cylindrical shapes on the soles. Introductions went smoothly.

"My quirk is Solid Air, it allows me to solidify any air I breath out, the longer the breath, the harder the air." Tsuburaba explained "I always got your back"

"I excel at hand to hand combat, unfortunately it seems that Tetsutetsu is going to be hard to bring down and with Kaibara on top of that. Yeah, I'm definitely going to need your backup." Lee explained

"You've got it man! Time is almost up, let's go." Tsuburaba replied.

They began walking into the building, through what is like a metal maze, it felt like an eternity. Eventually, they turn the corner and they see Tetsutetsu, who roared as he activated his quirk and rushed at them. Tsuburaba blocked him off with solid air as Lee kicks him in the head, which Tetsutetsu doesn't even budge. Instead, he grabs Lee by the head and throws him into the wall.

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