💖Grumpy Winter Fairy and an Ordinary Boy (Pt.1)

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TW: mentions of mental abuse, Duncan is naked.

summary: Luke has been trapped in his mother's cage for as long as he can remember. Today is the day he goes out into the real world.


"Very good, Luke. It seems like your doing better than last time." Luke's mother said as she placed a hand on his right shoulder. If you're wondering, Luke is studying. For what you may ask? Well, for nothing, really. He was just forced into it.

According to his mother, his top priority is studying, he cannot go by a day without studying and disobeying his own mother's rules. Luke was fed up by this, he used to be greeted by another somebody his age used to talk to him from a tree and telling that his mother's behaviours are wrong and told him why.

And then Luke's mom found out about it and forbids that boy to seeing him again. It has been 2 years since that incident happened. Luke is a grown boy now. He is 14 to be exact. And now, he is planning to escape when the clock stroke 12.

He looked back to his childhood room one last time, he looked a bit sad to see it go away. He will never be able to enjoy a bed like this for some time. Or smell his own scent on his pillow. He took a deep breath and hop onto the tree, and downwards to the ground. He got a bit tangled up in the process as well.

He ran away in the snowstorm and bringed his little legs to the unknown, the place he dreamt of, the place where he can have his freedom and live his life!

Unfortunately, the storm was thick. So thick. It looks like he was about to pass out from it. He panted and shivered through it all, but to go back to his childhood room and sleep comfortably there, just to be awoken by more imprisonment by his mother? No way!

He was lost in the outskirts of his little gloomy town, everywhere he see was just a bunch of trees covered in soft snow. Oh, and he was hungry. If only he can eat snow.

He layed down to the nearest tree he can find. He layed down and covered himself in a thick coat he had bought along with him. He closed his eyes and let the winter breeze sang a lullaby to him. The next morning, he has awoken from his slumber. He let his back rest to a pine tree, he was still a bit sleepy, considering the fact that he slept like a baby that night.

After enjoying the cold air around his body, he decided to travel further to see if there was a nearby village. But the only thing he found was a beautiful river, and a sight of a snowy mountain that looks like it was inhabited by people, "Well, this was perfect!" Luke said to himself, but his feet was sore from walking non-stop. He took off his boots and dip his feets into the chilly water.

He was having a great time until he noticed something brown from the icy blue water, it was a tiny fairy! And it looked like Luke suffocated him on accident, "Oh, s-sorry Mr.Fairy!" Luke apologized, but it just spat out water from him, "Next time, do be careful when dipping foot into the water!" The fairy angrily shouted at the giant human.

"And what were you doing in the water, may i ask, Mr.Fairy?" Luke asked with a sarcastic tone, "I was getting water, but it looks like you destroyed it or it gotten away to know's where!" The fairy then rested at the top of Luke's head. He complimented on how warm it is, and said that he was freezing to death. Luke pointed out that he was naked and that he needed clothes, but the little fairy stated that he and the townspeople doesn't know what 'clothes' are. Luke felt sorry for this little guy, he doesn't know fairy's had it that way through the winter.

But then Luke had an idea that has arrived through his head, "Hey, if you can show me the route to that village, then maybe i can make you clothes! How does that sound?" Luke confidently said, the fairy rolled around on Luke's hat as he is deciding what to say. The fairy did come there often when he is slacking off, and he is cold every day on winter, so maybe this is a good deal, "Alright, i show you how to get to that village, and you make me warm clothes." The fairy said as he grew from a little fairy to a tall man with a good build. Luke awe in his growing abilities, "Also, call me Duncan." The fairy added

And so they travel through the woods to the tiny village, it was exhausting but it was worth it. Even though it was still a long way to go, and it turned dark without the both of them realizing it. Luke panted, "Duncan, do you know how much longer do we have to go?" Luke asked, Duncan just said that it will be a few hours later and that they can continue tomorrow because he is cold and tired as he nuzzled in Luke's hat and scarf.

Luke thought that he is one step closer to freedom as he went to sleep as soon as he let the fire out and let all of his worries go away.

Little does he know, back at home, everyone was searching everywhere for Luke. His mother was more furious than worried, he treated his son with so much care and did what's best for him...AND THIS IS ALL THAT SHE GET'S??? HIM RUNNING AWAY? THAT PIG!

"Mrs.Bloomhill, we still can't find your son anywhere!" One man said, "Indeed, we even search so far for him but we still can't find him!" A woman said. She was bursting out with anger and told everyone to just go further and further until he is found.


Woooowwww! That was a long hiatus i didn't expect! Sorry for disappearing for so long. I guess i was just that lazy-

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