As she takes her steps down from the balcony and to each stone path, avoiding sullying her naked feet, she starts to practice the prayers that the princess had to say as what was revealed on the documents. It's more like a hymn to Fate... a song of awakening the core of the soul to expand its arms and reconnect to each of its shattered parts. It's like a song of union of each piece to form a complete one.

"Darling." Jin's voice is melodic as she finally steps on the last stone path. She lifts her gaze and sees her seven, with their white hanboks with the same embroidery of gold, minus the crystal accents. They are standing with the background of the full moon. They look so ethereal.

"Come, babe." Jimin's little crescent moons on his eyes are more beautiful as he opens his palms towards her direction along with the others. She doesn't know which to take. Not with Jungkook's starlit pairs, Taehyung's glimmering orbs, Hoseok's angelic flickering fox eyes, Yoongi's bone melting cat-like eyes, Namjoon's gentle dragon eyes, and Jin's glassy almond eyes that lit so brightly. The full moon is nothing to their magnificence.

She nods as she walks towards them, not minding the pebbles that starts to prick her soles. It's unavoidable for this traditional ceremony needs her to be fully one with the earth, the water, the air, and the evening sky. The entire cosmos should be one with her. Soon, she would be half submerged along her seven as they sing the binding song. The song itself is an eternal vow towards each other, expecting a magic that no one in modern times has witnessed anymore, at least, not on the records that they know of.

Instead of taking anyone's guiding hand, she walks pass them and towards the serene natural pool of water along the pocket of the river with a few surrounding paper lanterns on the protruding stones, creating golden glow against the waters. The water splashes with her steps as she feels the weight of her already soaked dress. She only stops when the water is just below her hips and then she turns around to face her seven who are still standing by the river's edge.

She smiles as she sees their throats bobbing, seemingly nervous.


For all the seven of them, only one thing comes in their minds.

Their soulmate is a goddess.

Her hanbok has become translucent with the water. It's silky whiteness seemingly glows with the moonlight. She is like the maiden with one of those divine stories of gods and goddesses. She is sinfully ethereal for her gentle glide along the river makes them think to ravish her and let the heavens witness how grateful they are for gifting her to them. She is beyond treasure.

"Ready?" Namjoon's voice is chocolatey deep. Its timbre is husky with a hint of soft growl.

Everyone chuckles, knowing too well that they would sound the same if they talk. Not with the lust that begins to simmer on their guts.

They can't wait to be hers and hers alone.

She nods and opens her mouth to start singing the hymn. There is pride on Yoongi's face with her angelic voice as she sings it in pansori but with softness of her light angelic voice. Like a siren, it coaxes them to start walking towards her.

A wonderful sensation tingles on their nerves as soon as they dip their feet on the water. It's becoming heady as they form a circle with her as the center. They can see it affecting her too as her voice wavers as she sings, but she remains still as she closes her eyes and tilts her face towards the moonlight. One by one they join her singing, echoing their voices along the rustling leaves and the gentle whistling of the wind. Then time starts to slow, almost freezing as a very thin golden smoke seeps through their chests and mingles into a huge veil and shroud them over.

Through Her Eyes ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang