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Mending Soul tears needs total abandonment to soul bounds.


He grins on how she bats her eyes to the men squished by the door. All of them are like dogs with waggling tails, very much excited to see their owner. He can't blame them. He is much the same.

'This is embarrassing!' She is practically shouting internally. He can hear it so loud and so clear. Good thing that she is not yelling it on his eardrums. His ears would fall out if he hears the panic on her actual voice.

Yoongi's proximity to Daun has made his soul hear much more potent. The way how she has a whole debate in her mind is so much adorable. Her thought process over her current situation is silly yet so endearing. He is not evil... no... but he really wants to laugh from all the silly arguments that she is having alone.

He missed this though. He missed how more chaotic her mind is when she is awake in their presence.


A while ago...

Yoongi was awaken with her soft actual sigh. His mind and ears was so much in tuned with Daun's frequency. He could determine if what he heard was still from her mind or had already passed through on her lips. He would like to talk to her but when her thoughts searched on the things that made her happy, he opted to stay on the sofa. The way she recounts on her days with them had enveloped him with so much warmth. He wouldn't want to interrupt it.

His body jolted, alarmed on her internal distraught. Perhaps he was lulled back to sleep and had awaken with her panic.

"Hyung? Where is Daun?" He whispered in panic to the eldest who was standing by the door.

"Peeing." He simply informed in a hushed voice.

"How? You can't just leave her alone." He argued. "She has been asleep for several days hyung... you can't expect her to handle everything on her own."

"Yoongi-ah... she has the right for privacy." Jin countered. His voice loudened with distress. After all, he wanted to stay too and assist her. If Yoongi just know how nervous he is for leaving her on her own, but he understood how she needed her space.

"Hyung?" They hear the others asked. The remaining five already wide awake with the commotions.

"Where is Daun-ah?" The youngest on the bed sits abruptly as he failed to feel their soulmate who he supposedly cuddled to.

Before anyone could answer, Yoongi rushed and swinged the bathroom door open followed by Jin.

There was a second pause before Jin asked her wellbeing.

Everyone gasped in excitement when they connected the dots.


"Do you still want to take a bath?" Yoongi asks again, teasing her. He is enjoying this. "I can call a nurse to help you."

"We can help you Love." Taehyung's voice bounces on the walls of the bathroom.

"Calling the nurse is much more appropriate Tae." Namjoon with his all leader-voice says.

"But it's still dark. I doubt any nurse can help you Darling." The ever-thoughtful Jimin argues.

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