Chapter 6

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Emily had been trying her best to avoid Shenny and alone time with him but she knew that would happen sooner or later.Finally,He said to everyone that he wanted some alone time with his daughter.She still didn't budge but followed him when he gave her a knowing look.They went to the balcony.He gave her a sinister smile and said so my dear daughter finally did something nice.He said,"For once,I useful it do something for your father".She didn't understand.He said,he'll be meeting her soon again.With a dreadful feeling she went back to the living room.She held Sara close to her and was lost in her own world.Damien noticed her discomfort and worry.A little time later,they took leave from everyone and went out to go back home.During the car ride,Emily was erilly quiet.Damien was observing her.He asked if she was worried about something but she quickly dismissed it.Once home,He asked Emily to join him in his room.She just nodded.He went to the washroom to freshen up.Once he was back,Sara was sleeping in the crib and Emily had shut her eyes really hard to avoid him,he knew she was faking sleep.He sighed and went to sleep on his side of the bed.

   It was 6 am in the morning when Damien woke up.This time Emily was here and sleeping soundly.A smiled formed on his face looking at her.However,baby Sara had been awake and crying a little,he held her for sometime and then let the nanny take her.Now he had got to know Emily did all of Sara's work herself.She didn't trust her with anyone.She was a very protective mother.But this time he let her rest a little.He went to get ready.He wore a blue dress shirt that highlited all his muscles.He wore a contrasting dress pant and coat with it.He today had a meeting with Shenny."God,I hate that man",he thought to himself.He left the room to have breakfast.He had a bowl of mixed fruits and had freshly brewed coffee afterwards.

Emily's POV:
I woke up.I was their again.The door was locked.It was dark.I couldn't breathe.I could hear their laughter.I couldn't open the door.I called for help,only voice couldn't leave my throat.I sucked in the air.I run my hand on my face.It got wet.It was wet.I knew it was blood.There was blood around me but I didn't feel pain.I felt numb.I wiped my face.The blood came again.I knew I was bleeding.My nose was bleeding .My forehead was bleeding.

  She was restless in her dream.It was a nightmare,and eventually which had happened so many times with her.She woke up shouting and crying and frightened,scared for her and to protect little Sara but she was weak what could she do,she thought to herself.Because of her shouting so many maids had gathered in the room.Grabbing her head in her hands she tried to calm herself,the way she had tried to do a thousand times before.No matter how bad Damien had been with her,he had never physically abused her but the anticipation of the meeting which her father promised was panicking her.It was taking her back to the past trauma she had suffered.She was scared that he might beat her or worse take Sara away from her.What she would do.She was informed by the maids that Sara was with the nanny when she woke up seeing her panicked state.After freshing up,she went to the window,opened it to get some fresh air to help her calm.She drifting off to those thoughts again."What will he do to me?Will he hurt me like before again?She looked at the height from the window,if only she could end her life,but she had Sara,she couldn't abandon her.Only she knew how much she missed her mum with every breath she took.
    She went downstairs after tidying her up.She always made breakfast for herself and she didn't want someone else to do it from now on as well.Suddenly,there was a little commotion outside.She got scared,later she got to know it was her father but the guards didn't let him in following Damien's order.She was a little relieved.The rest of the day went in a blur.It was very late when Damien came back at night.He looked visibily tired.She asked him if he wanted dinner.He nodded.She served him the food she made herself and sat on the chair beside him on the dinning table.He didn't remember the last time he had a home cooked meal served.He felt taken care of.After the meal,he got up.She cleared the table.She went to the room as well.

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