Chapter 4

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Damien was disappointed seeing Emily.She was just like a girl next door,very natural looking, naive, innocent and young, perhaps too young for him.He was always attracted to bold women with curvy body,great assets.He liked her sister more.He thought it would have been better if it were the other girl with model like figure but perhaps it didn't matter now.They were now sitting in the car alone in the backseat while driver was driving the car.Emily was sitting near the window trying to create as much distance from Damien as she could In the long 2 hours drive up till now she didn't even look at him even once.There was deafening silence in the car.Just now the car halted and there appeared on both sides heavy trees.It looked as if the way had been made cutting the forest.A little further,a magnanimous gate appeared which opened immediately when the car reached near.Entering from there appeared a huge estate.Her father's mansion appeared as a hut in front of it.The car halted and the chauffeur opened the car door for both of them.They walked out.Damien left from there leaving her there.She not knowing what to do also headed in.She came into a huge living room.There were stairways on both sides.She sat on a sofa and took deap breaths.She was just about to doze off to sleep when a maid appeared and told her that,"Sir is calling for you",with that she waited there for Emily.Emily stood, followed her to a bedroom perhaps it was Damien's bedroom with grey walls,grey paintings, everything about this room was intimidating.Leaving her there,the maid left from there.Emily stood at the door until she felt him grabbing her hand and took her inside the room closing the door behind her.He took her to bed.No words were exchanged between them.He started caressing her forehead.He leaned closer and that's how he spent the night with her. Later at night when she woke up,he was already gone.

Days started passing like that,she was adjusting to her new routine.She lived at the mansion alone with the maids and guards were present all around the place.Damien never came again after the wedding day.She didn't know what to think.She had no where to go to,no one to complain to.She just accepted her faith.She took the residence's address from the head maid and told Maddie.Maddie came to visit her.She hugged her tightly and she cried her heart out.
It was a month and half later,she started feeling sick,she looked paler,weak and worn out.She had been throwing up lately but she didn't care about herself much now.Maddie was here again and looking at her condition she took her to the doctor.The doctor did a blood test and told them they will get the report the next day.She got to know that she was pregnant.She decided to tell Damien but he didn't pick up her calls so she decided to pay him a visit.She went with the chauffeur to his office.She was asked by the receptionist if she had an appointment.She told her that she was his wife and doesn't need any.She also recognized her later.She had seen the wedding pictures in the Newspaper.She looked at her with disgust but she ignored.She was wearing a loose shirt and loose pant with no makeup.It wasn't a very lady like appearance but she didn't care much about people's opinion,it was who she was.She went inside and knocked at the office door when it didn't open she barged in and the sight in front of her broke a little hope she had for her future with him.There was Damien making out with a famous model in his office.When his eyes met hers there was no shame,no regret.Without saying a word she went back.She ran through the stairs and sat in the car and asked the driver to drive back.She was lost in her thoughts,face drenched in tears.This was her life.22 years old, dropped out of college in the last semester, pregnant from a man who didn't care at all.
After coming back,she went to her room,lay there closing her eyes.Suddenly,there was commotion in the house, probably noise was coming from the living room.She went outside the room and saw Damien in the living room along with the woman from the office who was looking at her with a smirk plastered on her face.Seeing her,his face hardened.She turned to go back but before that Damien quickly caught her and grabbed her wrist applying pressure causing her to wince in pain.She looked in his eyes and just saw hatred directed at her and she didn't know the reason because clearly she never did anything against her.She said,"Why did you do that to me?""Why did you ruin my life",she said yelling,while whispering the last part that she was pregnant.A sinister smile covered his face,he laughed evily and said  "Isn't that what you and your father wanted.""You should be happy,you did a good job"."Don't expect anything more from me,look at you and look at me",he looked at her with disgust and left and the girl too not before laughing at her.She quickly ran to her room and took her medicines,prescribed by doctor Kendy her family doctor who now she wasn't visiting.Her depression was now worsening then before.She didn't know the physical pain she suffered at her father's house was nothing as compared to the emotional and mental pain that she suffered because of Damien's vile words.They were killing her from inside.She hated living in his house.She felt helpless.Her obstetrician didn't know about that her depression and she could not survive without taking the medication.She took the sleeping pills and slept.Some days later when Maddie came back to visit her ,she told her everything.She asked Emily to divorce him and leave with her.Only if things were this easy.She didn't take care of herself., didn't eat much.She looked like shit.Six and a half months in her pregnancy,she started suffering severe pain,she started bleeding,she couldn't take the extreme pain and passed out on the floor .When the maid came she was horrified and they called Damien not before taking her to car to take her to hospital.He was nearby.He came early.Seeing her condition,he panicked.He could not understand what was happening to him.He quickly took her to his car and asked the driver to drive fast.

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