Chapter 20

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Katherine was just about to head down to join everyone for a pre-dinner drink when there was a knock on the door. She secretly hoped it would be Alistair, but it was Beth instead.

Beth crossed the room and hugged her. "I feel as if I haven't seen you in ages," she greeted.

"You've had a lot going on lately," Katherine responded, attempting to let Beth know she hadn't taken offense to her lack of communication. "How is Mave, by the way?"

"She seems to be bouncing back, but it's mostly all show." Beth started to tear up. "She was badly hurt, and it will take her a while to fully recover."

"Let's not talk about it," Katherine insisted. "Are Wyatt and the girls here too?"

"No." Beth gave a tender smile at the thought of her husband. "He wanted me to have a little downtime, so he sent me here and stayed behind with the girls. Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Trisha have promised to help him entertain them."

"Entertain them?" Katherine said suspiciously. Katherine hoped Trisha was smart enough to keep Beth's girls away from her father. Not that he would hurt them, but she didn't much care for the idea of him entering her world in another way, through her good friend's children.

"Yes, they are sure to be spoiled. When we were kids, a week with Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Trisha meant afternoon tea, the theater, manicures, and soooo much shopping." Beth smiled at the beautiful memories.

"That sounds nice," Katherine said. "I'm sure Wyatt will appreciate the help."

Another knock on the door sounded, and Katherine called for whomever it was to enter.

"Are you ready to go down?" Kiki asked, stopping short when she saw Beth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You didn't. We were just catching up. Kiki Mann, this is my good friend Beth Ramsey. Beth Kiki is one of our producers." Katherine watched the two shake hands and then motioned that they all should head downstairs.

"So, Kiki, do you think you will find any ghosts in the family home?" Beth grinned at the thought. "I've never experienced anything, but I'll be curious to see if you do."

"This is your home?" Kiki asked.

"My Uncle Bryce owns it, but we grew up here."

Katherine couldn't help but think that it would have been a great place to grow up.

"That means you're a Stevens?" Kiki asked with a frown.

"Yes, my father is Rainer Stevens." Beth nodded, sounding proud. It wasn't something she told most people upon first meeting them, but since Beth's parents had traveled with her, Kiki would be meeting them in a few moments.

"The reporter?" Kiki's voice rose a few octaves. "Do you think he would be interested in joining us on our investigation as well?"

"As well," Beth frowned, "who else is joining you?"

"So far, only Mason, but there was a hint of Cassie joining us too." Kiki smiled at the thought of having so many famous people joining the show. It would be a banner episode and get high ratings for sure.

"You can ask if you want, but in my experience, my father and Uncle Mason tend to be more trouble than their worth when you stick them in confined spaces together, not to mention I wouldn't trust either one of them in the dark. I'd keep a close eye on Uncle Mason if I were you. Although, he might behave if Aunt Cassie is there."

Katherine hid a smile as she thought about Mason trying to convince Laura to play a ghost.

They reached the blue drawing room and found it full already. Beth made a beeline right for Alistair when she saw him. Katherine frowned when she noted that Claire was already cozied up next to him. She was so close that if he had sat down, she would have been in his lap.

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