Chapter 17

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Katherine followed Alistair out of the hotel lobby and onto the street.

"Why are we out here?" Katherine asked, rubbing her arms. It was fall, and the weather was turning colder. She hadn't anticipated spending much time outside, so her dress was sleeveless.

Alistair pulled her off to the side of the building and took off his jacket, draping it over her shoulders. It enveloped Katherine in his smell and warmth, and she couldn't help the deep breath she took, inhaling his scent.

"Being in a hotel lobby with you is too tempting, and I don't want the distraction while we talk, especially looking as beautiful as you do now." Alistair rubbed her arms to warm her up. "I'm sorry, Katherine" He came directly to the point.

Katherine took a moment to take in his blue eyes and cleanly shaven jaw, noticing that his hair was longer than usual and it curled temptingly around his collar. She liked it when it grew a little long. It was easier to run her fingers through.

She gave herself a mental shake and tried to recall the accusations he had thrown at her the last time they met.

"You need a haircut!" she exclaimed. He didn't, but she felt a criticism might keep her grounded and make it appear that she was apathetic to his apology at best.

He smiled, which was not the result she had intended.

"Why are you sorry, and is that why you bid on my package?" She crossed her arms and gave her most stern expression.

His grin grew. "It's a good thing Uncle Mason or my cousin Agatha aren't here right now. They could do so much with that statement."

"Alistair!" she warned.

"I'm sorry I accused you of having another lover, bringing another man to make me jealous, and using your innocence to get me to agree to film at my house. I know none of those things are true." His voice was low and urgent.

"The lover and jealous part I get and can forgive, and it's a little more than me using my innocence to get you to agree to the house. It's the fact that you didn't believe me! What have I ever lied to you about!" She heard her voice rising and took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "Let's go back and look at the angle you just used, that I was using my innocence. The last time you proposed, I told you I wouldn't use you in any way. If I were a user, I definitely would have used you then!" She felt the tears of frustration building.

"Fine, Katherine! If you want to get mad, then I can get mad too!" He crossed his arms. "I was jealous. I have never seen you with another man in a social setting, and yes, it upset me, but that's not the worst. The worst is that you always tell me, no, and it's always for a different reason! Forgive me if I do feel used. I love you, and I made that point very clear early on, but it was never enough!"

"You will never get it because you come from a loving family!" Katherine shook her head. "The only love I have ever known is motherly love. I never even saw love between my parents, so forgive me if I don't trust you or myself when it comes to love. I am only starting to learn about sisterly love because my father did his best to keep us separated our whole lives, which I am beginning to discover was another way to isolate me."

Alistair's phone started a constant dinging, but to his credit, he ignored it as he listened to her.

"Why did you bid on me? Was it so we could have this conversation, which is going nowhere?"

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you and get you to forgive me, and I didn't want anyone else to win you." His phone was still going crazy.

"Maybe you should check that?" Katherine said.

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