Chapter 18

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Katherine had done her best to keep up with Mave's status, but it had been hard. A brief mention of the attack gave almost no details in the press before the story disappeared from all forms of media. Nearly three months later, it was as if it had never happened. She had spoken to Laura briefly about how successful her appearance at the charity benefit had been and that it would stand her in good stead with her audience, but when she asked after Mave, Laura hadn't shared any details other than she was on the mend.

It was frustrating because Katherine did care, but it reminded her that while the Stevenses were kind to her, she wasn't family or even a friend, only an acquaintance.

Katherine was riding in the back of the crew van, looking at her phone, when she heard a low whistle from the front.

"This is definitely the grandest house we've ever investigated!" J.D, the cameraman, exclaimed. "It will be a joy to shoot. I bet there isn't a bad angle in the house."

Robert, who was driving the van, stopped halfway up the drive, and they all craned their necks to get a view of the house. However, it wasn't enough for some, as the door to the van was opened, and they all spilled out, taking photos of the dramatic setting.

"It's like a movie set," Claire, the makeup artist and hairstylist, said in awe as she snapped a selfie.

"It is lovely," Kiki agreed.

"Where are we?" Katherine asked with a frown. She had been traveling the last month and didn't know which way was up, much less where they were on the schedule for the show, which had already changed six times in the last two months.

"It's Hardd House!" Robert rubbed his hands together gleefully. "Kiki was shocked when she got the call last month, and they were very specific that this was the only weekend they could shoot. Can you guess why?"

Katherine looked at a giddy Robert and shook her head as her stomach fell. Alistair had said yes. Why had he said yes? She turned around to look back at the house, her mind spinning. This was where Alistair had grown up, and this would be his house one day. Whatever she had pictured in her mind over the years, this was not it.

She felt a little sick.

"It was the only week that Mason and Cassandra Stevens were available, and they wanted to co-host." Robert laughed. "Mason and Cassandra Stevens! I think they are related to the earl somehow."

"The senior earl is Mason Stevens's brother, is senior earl the right term?" Kiki asked.

"No, Bryce Stevens is the current earl. His son, who hasn't officially inherited the title yet, is just referred to as your grace." Claire explained, having done her homework. "I hear that the son, Alistair Stevens, is a dream to look at," she sighed.

Her comment made Katherine's hackles rise for some reason. Claire was new to the crew, and she and Katherine hadn't hit it off, but Katherine hadn't thought much about the girl until now.

Taking her time, Katherine looked Claire over. She was young, pretty, and petite, with a blond pixie cut and big blue eyes.

"This is going to be so much fun! And to think we're the first official film crew allowed to film in the house!" J.D. was just as excited as Robert. Kiki and Claire looked pleased as well, and she could hear them discussing Alistair in soft voices with their heads bent together.

Katherine looked back at the house with conflicted emotions. She was excited to get a peek inside Alistair's home but worried about seeing him again. They had left everything unresolved, and she was concerned about which Alistair she would get. Would he be the serious one, who resented them being there, or the happy Alistair, who went with the flow and didn't let much bother him?

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