Graduation bonus final part

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Alexis's pov

"Is anymore of you guys up to go to a bar?" "Seriously Ethan? That's really the first thing you think of?" Dakota says. Such a sassy person when they want to be. They are more known to be the smartass trough. "What?" Ethan whines. "Fine" "I'm in!" Joshua says and then we all somehow end up saying yes. The moment every own agrees, the love birds start going at it again. Ugh,why do they have to be lovey dovey all the time? Sure Maverick and Charlie are cute together but the others? Even Kilan and Dakota are giving each other love eyes. If this would've been a few years earlier I would've been jealous but thank goodness I got over this crush over mine over Kilan. It's way to see them being happy after all. Abigail and Ben are being sweet like they always are. They are always shy around each other even if it's been more than a year since they started going on together. Camilla is busy lecturing Ethan but the way Ethan listens to her, makes him look like a dog. While there's Emery shouting some naughty things to Makayla, I'm guessing because she's red as a tomato. Those two will always be the same. For Mason and William case they are busy talking about something but even after all those years I'm still surprised how much they look like they are in love with each other. I don't think I would be able to interested in someone that long. For Olivia's part she's not too far from Abigail and Ben. Oh for once she is. Sometimes I tend to forget those three used to be a trio. We all finally get inside after a few minutes. Once we get inside the bar I keep close to Josh and Grace. "Isn't it tiring to see them being lovey dovey like that all the time?" "Yeah it's annoying. Like we're here all alone completely forgotten" Grave states. "It's indeed annoying. It's pissing me off." "At least you have us." Josh looks back at Grace. It seems like hearing those words feels weird for him to hear. "Yeah.." "Wait, why are we all leaving Olivia all alone?" "Because unlike us, Mason has a soft spot for her." "Yeah..I've always found if strange." "It makes sense that Grace is more bothered about it than I am. Even if she pretends she doesn't, I know it does. She'll never forget what Mason did to her even if she forgave him a long time ago. "Oh well it can't be helped." Finally someone notices us all alone. "Hey come here guys! Don't act like you're being left out." Makayla says. "Well we were being left out." Joshua point out. Makayla slightly glares at him. "I agree with Joshua here." Ben says. "I agree too. We've been too busy focusing on ourselves that we forgot about them." That's surprising that's coming from Kilan. "Fine you guys are right then." Ha! Of course Emery said that! She's always the one to stop an argument. It's so like her. We go closer to where they were. Some of them are already drinking, including Ethan. "Hey stop drinking so much! You won't be able to walk afterwards. I don't want to be the own to deal with you." "She says that even is she knows that it will happen anyways. I'll never understand how she deals with a guy like him. I'm good at dealing with people but not that way. "Ugh, Camilla don't be such a party pooper." She fakes a pout. "Ok, ok I'll stop ok?" In the end Ethan always listens to her, like again her little dog. "Good" I then focus on what's going on what's going on between Mason and Olivia. Where is William? Oh, he probably went to the washrooms. Hm.. "Is it true that you want to take photography professionally?" "Yes" "Maybe you take some photos for my Loutube channel." "Sure" They both laugh, both of them are smiling so widely that it can't go by unnoticed. I'll never understand what is going on between them but I pray to god that it's nothing serious. They never talk about it openly. Hopefully it doesn't bother William that much. Speaking of him, his back from the presumed washroom. "Let's take a shot!" "Why?" "For graduating dummy! And course to celebrate are last day all officially together!" Charlie says. We all agree and we all take a shot. A few hours goes by and most of us are drunk. That's when I notice Grace and Joshua are making out on a couch. Did I even mention that those two tend to hook up when they are both drunk? There's nothing going on between them, that I know. What can I say? If Joshua doesn't want to hook up with anyone because they fall in love with him and ne doesn't then Grace is the best solution to that. She doesn't like him like that. So she's putting up with Joshua's no strings attached relationship. Besides that they are best friends like we all are. I'm busy trying to take care of everyone sense I didn't drink too much. I'm such a responsible boss! They should he thankful for me! Oh well we knows of such things as today will remain the same. Who know? Beginning tomorrow It'll be a new era for us and we don't know what might happen. So I'm glad we enjoyed this moment one last time.

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