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Kaleb: Sabrina I tried to make the choice for them, but they didn't listen they leaked edited pictures of you guys kissing and that you're in a relationship this wasn't supposed to happen I'm sorry.

Sabrina slammed her phone on the table. She quickly installed Instagram to see the pictures. She printed the pictures out threw on some clothes and hopped in her car.

As she walked into the office all eyes were on her. This time it wasn't because she was late. Sabrina was close to cursing out everything and everyone in her way or her sight.

"What the fuck is this?" Sabrina said slamming it on the managements desk. "Sabrina it was something we needed to do." The old white man said smirking.

"What the fuck happened to me thinking about it? I woke up to 200+ messages one of them being from fucking Trevor and this is what you do?" Sabrina yelled.

"Sarbina sweetie you have to realize that money calls and when your older you'll understand." He replied laughing. "No, you fucked me over and you know you did." Sabrina said storming out of the office.

Before Sabrina talked to anyone, she knew who she had to go see immediately. She drove to Claudia's house.

Claudia and Sabrina had been friends since they met. She was so easy to get along with and was definitely good on advice.

Sabrina got out the car and immediately knocked on the door. The door opened but Claudia wasn't the one to answer. Instead, it was a blonde she was a little shorter than her and had beautiful eyes.

"Woah calm down. She said in a raspy voice considering the attire she was wearing she had to just have woken up. How can I help you?" She asked.

Sabrina knew the girl in front of her was gorgeous. She wondered why she had never seen the girl or maybe she was too stressed to even recognize the girl in front of her.

"So can I help you love?" The blonde asked. "Ye-yeah is Claudia home." Sabrina asked. "Claudia company!" the girl yelled as she eyes Sabrina.

"Stop eyefucking my friend Billie." Claudia said chuckling. "I'm sorry how rude of me my name is Billie, not like you wouldn't know that" Billie replied.

Then it hit Sabrina that she was Billie Eilish, she was so stressed that she couldn't even fathom she was standing in front of one of the most beautiful girls ever. "Sabrina" she replied smiling.

"Alright I think me, and you have something to talk about." Claudia said pulling Sabrina in the house. Billie smiled at the timidness of the blonde.

"Claudia, I didn't want to do any of this I swear management didn't tell me I was going to be fake dating your brother." Sabrina tried explaining until someone walked in.

"Hey si-" The one person she didn't want to see. "You fucker!" Sabrina yelled trying to tackle Daniel until Claudia stopped her.

"Calm down I'm just as clueless as you." Daniel replied. "Look I don't want to date you I'm going through a hell of a breakup, and this is not what I need right now." Sabrina replied.

"Look we don't have to date but we at least have to act like a couple in public." Daniel replied smiling.

"Don't smile at me this isn't some shitty rom-com were not going to catch feelings because I have no interest in you do you understand?" Sabrina replied. "I like her already" Daniel said causing Claudia to chuckle.

Sabrina stormed out the room bumping into Billie. "Damn are you always this mad?" Billie asked. Sabrina looked her up and down noticing the change in attire. "No today is just stressful." Sabrina replied.

"Well, I hope it gets better" Billie said as she hugged the girl. Sabrina stood still until she embraced the hug. "Come by anytime, you know for Claudia." Billie said awkwardly.

"Yeah, for Claudia" Sabrina chuckled exiting the house. She drove her way over to Conan's house. Where her best friends awaited.


"Ok but then he came in the door, and I told him that I don't feel anything, but on the other hand I met Billie Eilish she is so dope man and hella hot." Sabrina said.

"I can tell because she gave you, her number." Conan said picking piece of paper of the ground. Sabrina grabbed the paper quickly while blushing.

"So, what are you going to do about management?" Tate asked. "Nothing there is nothing I can do I just got signed and as long as I am in this PR relationship I can't leave." Sabrina replied.

Sabrina was contemplating should she tell her friends about the Trevor situation. That's something she decided to keep to herself. Plus, so much had happened she just wanted to forget about everything except for Billie.

Sabrina didn't know why Billie was on her mind, but she definitely wanted to know about the blonde. Since Claudia and Finneas was married it wasn't going to be hard to see her 24/7 considering she was always glued to Finneas.

"Trevor texted me" Sabrina said breaking the silence. "What did he say?" Tate asked concerned. "He was surprised I moved on." Sabrina replied. "Isn't he the one who cheated?" Conan asked.

"Yeah, he is" Sabrina let out a sigh. "Guys I don't mean to interrupt but look at this interview Hollywood access just posted with Trevor. Tate Replied.

The friends walked over peaking over her shoulder watching the video.

Trevor, can we have a talk?

Sure, man what happening.

How do you feel about Sabrina's new lover after the breakup was only 6 weeks ago?

It was pretty quick but hey she can do what she wants fuck who she wants she knows where home is though I'm not tripping we ended on good terms no need to be bitter about it.

Alright thanks man, have a good day.

Sabrina was furious she couldn't believe that he said that after all He cheated on her and went into public saying that he wanted her happy? It was completely bullshit to Sabrina.


Sabrina groaned as she walked into her apartment.

She looked at her phone and noticed a message.


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