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Sabrina tried to get up quickly, but it was too soon as she got lightheaded and hit her head against the wall.

"What's happening in here?" Claudia said coming around the corner. "No-nothing we were just playing." Daniel said. "I want to hear it from Sabrina." Claudia said angrily. Sabrina had never seen Claudia this mad before.

"Daniels right we were just playing." Sabrina said looking at Daniel. Claudia walked over and helped her up. "Be careful next time guys." Claudia said sending a smile to Sabrina.

"Sorry I lost balance and fell" Sabrina said. "I have to go" Sabrina said looking down at her phone.

"Sabrina wait" Daniel yelled. Claudia knew her brother did more than playing around Claudia also knew he had more to do with this PR stunt of a relationship, but she didn't want to accuse him of anything yet until she had proof.

Sabrina made it home and to say she was furious was an understatement honestly this whole month has made Sabrina angry at everything and everyone. She was finally getting to know Billie and Daniel had to pop up.

Sabrina knew she was wrong for not telling Billie about the whole situation, but she didn't even know the girl that well to let her in on her hectic life at the moment the whole Trevor situation was already a lot to tell someone.

Sabrina checked her phone hoping Billie would send a text or something. The thought of Billie no longer contacting her or even her sudden snarky looks killed Sabrina.

Sabrina laid down and hoped that this would brush over. As Sabrina leaned into the mattress she hissed in pain as she laid on her left arm. She got up making her way to the bathroom as she took of her shirt noticing a bruise on her arm.

"Fuck" Sabrina screamed she didn't know if it was from the pain or her feelings being all over the place, but she was sick and tired of everything.




Sabrina hadn't been making music she spend most of her days sitting at the house writing lyrics and what not. Getting out of her head. Billie hadn't texted her, but she was getting text from the last person she wanted to talk to.

Daniel. Sabrina had to admit he was making an effort to get to know her, and they had made short conversations on a little about them and their hobbies and what not. Sabrina found Daniel attractive but then again so did all the other girls in the world.

Sabrina was getting up today because Daniel planned to take her out today. Sabrina was hesitant but she it had been a whole week since she saw sunlight, so she decided to agree to the date and get out.

As Sabrina finished her last makeup touches, she waited until Daniel texted her, he was outside. She exited her apartment and Daniel was outside holding the door open.

Sabrina squinted at the light as she got into the car. "You look amazing" Daniel said causing Sabrina to blush as he kissed her cheek. "You don't look bad yourself." Sabrina replied.

"Hey before we go, I want to thank you for going out with me I know we didn't start off well because of Billie on the bright side she isn't in the picture." Daneil replied.

Sabrina slowly nodded her head while she looked out the window.


Sabrina and Daniel finished eating and held light conversation. She didn't know what to talk about all Daniel seemed to talk about is cars and Sabrina didn't know the slightest about cars.

Daniel could tell Sabrina was bored so he shifted conversation. How about you how is the album coming? He asked smiling causing Sabrina to smile. 

"Everything's going well actually I've just been writing getting things down and what not. I think the hardest part of this album is saying what's been on my mind instead of always censoring myself." Sabrina replied sipping her water. 

"Your music is fantastic I have no worries about it. Daniel said causing Sabrina to blush. "How about we head back to my place and watch a movie?" Daniel said smiling. Sabrina agreed as Daniel called for a check. 

They made it to the car Daneil opened the door for Sabrina as they drove in silence Daniel placing his hand on her thigh. 

Once they made it to his place they put on a movie and started watching it. It wouldn't be long before Sabrina leant her head on Daniel and fell asleep, she was tired. 

All the thoughts going through her head was rambunctious and she need it to stop so the outing with Daniel wasn't bad. 

Maybe the whole PR relationship wasn't bad. Sabrina had to admit they did start off on the wrong foot, but Daniel was nice guy Sabrina could see herself falling in love with Daniel. 

Of course, she didn't want to get ahead of herself, but she didn't want to yearn on someone who obviously wasn't interested in her. If Billie was really hurt, she would've called her or at least texted her right? 

Sabrina didn't want to think about Billie with Daniel he didn't deserve that. She snuggled into Daniel and got comfortable. Daneil wrapped his arm around Sabrina and pulled her in closer he pecked her lips before looking at the screen again. 

Daniel was falling for Sabrina. They had just met but the way Claudia would describe her Daniel knew he needed her no matter what it took she was going to be his and nobody was going to get in the way of that. 

Sabrina's phone dinged and Daniel looked over.

Billie: Can we talk? 

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