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Sabrina walked into her management office. Her heels clicked on the ground she made her way to the meet room. She had recently been through a not so private breakup, and she had recently got signed and right now everything was a disaster. 

Sabrina walked into the door as everyone froze. "Sorry I'm late" Sabrina said grabbing a seat. "Your just in time we need to talk." Some old white man said as he clicked the button to go to the next slide. 

"You and Trevor's breakup obviously wasn't the most private and now we have to deal with that aftermath. The man replied. 

"Tell me about every time I log into Instagram, I'm on every teen tea page." I replied rolling my eyes. "It's because you and Trevor were supposed to be the couple of the decade." Some guy with glasses who sat in a corner replied. 

 "Yeah, well he should've though about that before he cheated." Sabrina replied. Trevor was loyal in the beginning of their relationship but as he got richer and famous, he started becoming unknown about his whereabouts and priorities and one mistake turned into 15 more and so on. 

Sabrina wasn't exactly one to be taken as a mistress and she was out chasing her dreams. She was freshly signed to Hollywood Records and hadn't even been there a month before the breakup happened. 

Worst part about is Sabrina was served with an NDA to not legally say the reason the couple split. She couldn't sing about it or trash him on the internet about which made people furious that they broke up quote on quote for no reason. 

Sabrina started getting death threats it got so bad that she was told to get off of Instagram. Skip forward now she sits in a conference room as her management concocts another plan.  

Out of all of this nobody reached out to her except for a couple people to ask her how she had been feeling after the breakup. Instead, everyone instantly went to go defend Trevor and how he was the perfect boyfriend when in all reality he was just like the rest. 

"Alright so let's talk how is EIC going?" Kaleb asked. He was Sabrina manager the one she went to instead of always talking to the management team every time she needed something. 

"It's going well I think I could finish by July; I just haven't had motivation you know since the breakup." Sabrina replied. 

Sabrina usually didn't have a problem with making music she would always use her life references and put them into songs but since a legal document permits her from doing so, she has been stuck. 

"Alright that sounds like a plan." Kaleb said jotting it down on his notepad. "Alright so of course with this breakup has brought press and with press comes money making you one of our top earning artists therefore we have an idea." Kaleb continued talking. 

"We want you to PR date." Kaleb said. "I'm sorry I must not be hearing this right. I've been getting death threats because of how I'm a cheater and mistreated my ex and now you want me to prove their points by immediately hooking up with another man?" Sabrina said chuckling. 

"I know how it sounds but money calls and it's like promotion for your album and maybe you'll fall in love and what not." The old white man spoke. "I'm sorry you haven't loved someone since 1926 but please don't tell me how to fall in love." She spoke louder than anticipated. 

"Sabrina just think about ok, I'll send you details later. let's wrap it up." Kaleb said causing everyone to dismiss the room. 

Sabrina didn't know how to explain how she felt. It was anger mixed with sadness on top of all of that she didn't have a choice money did call and her label wasn't going to let down without a fight. Sabrina needed to let her emotions out and what better way was it than to go to the studio? 


"Sabrina!" Her best friend Conan said. "I didn't expect you to drop by but hey I'm lucky." He said smiling as she stepped into the booth. 

"You know that beat I sent I kind of want to use that one." Sabrina said through the headphones. 

As the beat played Sabrina started humming the beat. 

One year ten thousand bad moments 

But it was dressed up in heated emotions. 

And I tried to look for the best in the worst 

But like, fuck me that caused a commotion. 


"That was one angry ass song Sab" Tate said walking into the room. "Thank you but I can't release it." Sabrina said exiting the booth as Tate tossed her a water bottle. 

"I'm sorry about him Sab, you deserve better" Tate said looking down at her phone. Sabrina looked over. "Let me guess I'm still the trending topic?" She said as Tate nodded her head. 

"Fuck me, give me a fucking break it's been two weeks." Sabrina groaned. "Hey, it's ok it will be over by the end of the month." Conan said giving a reassuring back rub to her. 

"I hope so I don't think I can take this any longer." Sabrina said, "You can always move to Europe with me if this thing doesn't boil over." Tate said making every chuckle. 

"No thanks I think I kind of like the LA weather." Sarbina replied. 

"Now management is thinking about putting me in a PR relationship can you believe that?" Sabrina vented to her friends as they all sat sprawled out on an individual couch. 

"A PR? You can't actually be serious." Conan replied. "As a heart attack." Sabrina replied. "I can't believe how self that is." Tate said joining into the conversation. 

"Yeah, it's whatever honestly, I think I'm going to head out Jasper might be a little angry." She replied getting up.

"See you later" Her friends saluted in unison as the blonde walked out the door.

Sabrina finally got home to Jasper. "Hi my love." She said causing him her pur. She placed food into his bowl as she went to hop in the shower. 

Once she got out the shower, she put something comfortable on and flopped into bed today was too stressful.

She heard a message from her phone but being too comfortable she decided not to do anything about it and fell asleep. 


It was the next morning and Sabrina's phone was blowing up. 

Tate: Check your DM's 

Claudia: We need to talk immediately. 

Kaleb: It wasn't my fault or choice; I'm going to fix this.

Trevor: WOW took you no time huh? 

Sabrina unlocked her phone and immediately read the message from her management. 


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