Fire Whiskey

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That night, Pansy and Blaise were coming home from their vacation with the Weasley family. Without really communicating, they both knew that the other was fascinated with the warm and loving family, since their own homes were so different.

With Pansy's parents fleeing to muggle France, and Blaise's mom being on her 7th husband, drowning herself in  alcohol, it'd been a long time since they experienced what a real family was like.

Even though it was strange, they both enjoyed the time they spent with their partners. Of course Molly and Arthur were extremely accepting and supportive of all their little gay children.

So there they were, walking down the street to crash at the Malfoy Manor, because they simply couldn't bear going to an empty house, after all that warmth with the Weasley family.

Blaise knocked on the door. He was wearing his usual black slacks, with a looser navy blue dress shirt on top. Pansy on the other hand was much more casual, in a long sleeved black crop top and an emerald green skirt, because she refused to wear long pants even in the winter.

Draco and Harry were cuddling on the couch, knowing they would have privacy, since Narcissa was at her monthly check in with the aurors. They sat by the fire, Harry's head in Draco's lap, and the blond played with his boyfriend's hair.

At the sound of the knock, Draco stood up, and answered it, so that no one would see Harry there. They didn't want to cause an uproar with the press.

"Pansy! Blaise! What are you two doing here?" Draco asked. Blaise slumped against the doorway. "Are you busy mate?"

Surprised, Draco said "Well sort of. I'm with Harry right now." Pansy smirked and held up the bottle of fire whiskey she brought. Draco raised an eyebrow, "Well come on in then."

Blaise and Pansy chuckled, knowing they could always bribe him with his favorite drink.

Draco rushed ahead to warn Harry about the guests. "Hey love, Blaise and Pansy are here. Is that alright with you?" He asked. Harry said "Yeah of course."

Then, Pansy barged in, waving her fire whiskey wildly and saying "Well hello Harry James Potter!". Blaise rolled his eyes at his friends behavior, but still smiled, the Malfoy Mannor was always one of his favorite places and it was wonderful to be back.

"Hi." Harry said awkwardly, as he shifted in his seat. Draco noticed and sat next to him, placing his hand on his knee to comfort him.

Pansy took a swig of the fire whiskey and then poured some into four glasses. "She's crazy when she's drunk, but don't worry." Draco whispered to Harry. He knew that the raven haired man wouldn't be used to Pansy's impulsive and wild attitude. 

Harry nodded, and allowed himself to relax into the couch, as he watched Pansy belt out a muggle song, that even he hadn't heard before.

Draco shook his head, but still laughed, remembering how terribly he missed being with his best friends. "C'mon Blaise, don't be shy." The blond urged and he pushed Blaise, encouraging him to sing with Pansy.

Harry couldn't help but feel at home, as he saw how comfortable Pansy and Blaise were being themselves in front of someone they didn't fully know.

"Go on darling. You should sing with them." Harry said, nudging Draco's shoulder with his head. "Nooo, I couldn't sing to save my life." Draco whined, but still stood up with a smirk.

He jumped onto Blaise back, forcing him to carry the blond. "Draco, I swear to Salazar." Blaise muttered as Draco began to shout the lyrics, just a few places behind Pansy, because he honestly had no fucking idea what the words were.

Harry burst out into laughter and buried all of his face except for his eyes into a near by cushion. When Pansy decided she was done, she plopped onto the floor and Blaise shoved Draco off his back, causing the Ravenclaw to fall directly on his arse.

"You okay?" Harry asked and helped his boyfriend up. Pansy scoffed "Of course he's okay, he's just a dramatic bitch sometimes." Draco stuck his tongue out at her "And you're just an insane bitch."

Harry wondered if maybe insulting each other was Pansy and Draco's sort of love language.

"Well this insane bitch is the whole reason you two-" Pansy began to say, but quickly slapped her hand over her red lips. "Fucking hell." Blaise murmured and leaned back on the floor, he looked like a child making a snow angel.

"Shut up Blaise, finish that thought, would you Pansy." Draco said, with a slightly sarcastic and dangerous tone to his voice.

Pansy looked back and forth between Blaise, Draco, and Harry. "That notebook, where you exchanged letters...that whole thing was my plan. Well Luna, Blaise, Hermione and my plan. So you can thank us for getting you two idiots together."

Blaise clapped his hands onto his face as Harry and Draco's jaws hung open in shock. "You are so oblivious." Pansy sneered jokingly. Draco formed his lip into a fake pout and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Well thanks for that I suppose." Harry said, cracking a smile "Otherwise I don't think we would've ever..."

"Fallen in love?" Draco asked, his pout fading into a heart melting smile.

Harry nodded, as Draco cuddled into his chest and smiled "My letter lover."



EDIT: Sry I'm cutting this book short, I don't really have an motivation to continue:/

Love you!,
Author ~

Date published: 11/27/22
Time: 12:52 pm
Words: 930

My Letter Lover - Drarry -Where stories live. Discover now