Dinner Date

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The next few weeks were full of secret kisses, bliss, and really pure happiness. Draco and Harry were friends in public...well sort of. They weren't exactly friends, they just didn't make shallow digs at one another anymore.

They ignored each other all day, except for small glances and slight smiles from across classrooms. Then, when they were back at the dorms, they were able to act however they wanted.

One particular afternoon, the two boys were sharing a plate of biscuits and Harry was leaning his head on Draco's shoulder.

As always, Harry was holding Draco's right hand.

Draco was fine. He didn't mind it much when people touched his left arm. But when Harry did, it sent painful shocks of regret down his spine.

He hated it more than anything in the world, but the odd thing was that Draco never told Harry this. Harry just always avoided his left arm.

Draco always shrugged it off, he wanted to enjoy the moment.

"I wish we could go on real dates." Harry said and bit into a biscuit. "Me too." Draco hummed.

"I want to take you out to Hogsmeade. And we can go out for dinner and I'll push in your chair and we'll hold hands while we walk." Harry sighed, knowing that he could only dream.

Suddenly, Draco got an idea. "Harry, come back around 8:00pm okay? And wear something presentable." Draco shooed his confused boyfriend out of the room, pushing his clothes out, so Harry could pick something.

Time to get to work. Draco smiled.


About an hour later, everything was prepared. So, Draco hurried to the bathroom and changed into his favorite all white suit. It looked like what he wore to Yule Ball. And it was the exact opposite of what he wore that night in the astronomy tower.

It made him feel confident. Maybe even beautiful. He drew on some eyeliner, nothing dramatic. Really subtle, but it still looked incredible. Finally, he gelled his hair just a bit, to make it fall just so.

He grinned at his appearance, and realized that this was the first time in a very long while that he was happy about how he looked.

Draco walked out, checked the room one last time, and like clockwork, Harry knocked on the door. "Draco? What the hell is going on?"

Drack smiled and opened the door.

Harry was shocked and overwhelmed by what he saw.

Their desks where pushed together, to create a makeshift dinner table, there were candles, all cinnamon scented, and two plates of food.

The room looked beautiful, and Harry admired the plants and small flowers and even little sparkling lights that Draco carefully hung around the room.

"Draco...it's gorgeous." Harry breathed, his cheeks pink. "Thank you love." Draco said and he pulled Harry by the hand.

Draco sat down in his chair and Harry rolled his eyes lovingly as he pushed in his chair. Draco smiled smugly as Harry sat across from him.

Then, the blond really took a good look at his boyfriend. Harry was wearing a deep red dress shirt, and black slacks, making him look the definition of sexy. "You look really great Harry." Draco blushed.

"So do you." Harry smiled and looked down at his plate. There were a few biscuits, sweets, and chocolates. "Sorry, that's all I could find on such short notice." Draco said.

"Don't worry, it's perfect. I love this." Harry grinned at his gorgeous boyfriend and wondered "how did I get so lucky?"

The two ate their food and chatted, all while admiring each other. It was a truly innocent and lovely moment. So much of their childhoods were taken away, and it felt as though they were finally aloud to live it. And maybe even be happy about it.

"You should rejoin Quidditch. You would be on Ravenclaw, so you probably wouldn't win much, but it would be a lot of fun." Harry suggested. Draco gave him a clumsy sort of half smile.

"I don't know. I don't think they would be too happy with having me on the team." Draco shrugged slightly and Harry held his right hand.

"I'm sure they would be happy to have you. You were the best in Slytherin...even though I always beat you." Harry smirked at the last part. Draco scoffed playfully and said "Maybe."

Harry smiled at his boyfriend.


The word sounded weird on his tongue. He never thought he would get to have a boyfriend. Love was a sort of foreign concept to him. Same for Draco really.

Other than his small relationship with Ginny, he'd never dated. You see, when you're the chosen one, you never know who really cares about you.

Harry was pulled out of his thoughts when Draco said "Y'know, it's almost Christmas holiday. Are you going to the Weasley's?"

"Probably. But Hermione is planning and bringing Pansy, Ron is brining Blaise, and even Ginny is taking Luna. So, it'll be pretty crowded." Harry gave a small shrug.

Draco smiled clumsily and said "You could always come to the manor. My Mother will most likely be there, but she...isn't around much anyway."

"Really?" He asked hopefully. Draco nodded. "I'd love to stay with you!" Harry smiled.

"I'm glad. But, we will have to tell my Mother about us." Draco said. "Alright." Harry nodded, masking his nervousness.

Draco was able to sense it and placed his right hand on Harry's arm. "It'll be okay. I promise."

Harry looked into Draco's grey eyes. He could see the love and caring that swam in them.

"I still have to tell Hermione and Ron." He admitted.

Draco's eyes changed slightly. More concerned, rather than peaceful.

"You haven't talked to them about us yet?" He asked.

"Well...no." Harry looked to the floor. "I'm sorry."

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "You don't need to apologize. These things happen in their own time, and if you don't want to tell them yet, that's okay."

Harry gave him a half grin. "Thank you. I just can't do it yet. Can we stay a secret just a bit longer?"

Draco's face twitched, but Harry didn't notice, so he just said "Yes."


I feel so bad for both of them 😭

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Author ~

Date published: 11/7/22
Time: 11:23 am
Words: 1069 (ITS PERFECT)

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