Stick Figure

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The next day, Harry was stumbling around the halls. Mostly everyone was out enjoying their weekend, but Harry stayed behind.

It wasn't that be didn't want to be with everyone else, it's just that he was too tired. Not sleepy, just tired. The thought of socialization made him sick to the stomach, so he decided to just mope around by himself.

He was sad that he lost his journal. Especially since it meant that someone read it, but he moved on and almost completely forgot about it.

That is until he saw it leaning in the hallway. What's this? He went over and picked it up. He cracked it open and stared at the cursive lettering next to his own chicken scratch handwriting.

"If you want to keep talking, leave this by the Quidditch Pitch. Near that one bush."

Harry was shocked by the words, and even more the offer. It was almost like an offer of friendship. And Harry decided to take it.

What harm could possibly come from writing to "<3"? He ran to the library and began to write.



I found this, and I don't know why or how, but I'm glad I did. I'd love to keep writing to you.

It's sort of mysterious isn't it? To write to someone you don't know. I'd like to know who you are. But maybe later. For now, we can enjoy the mystery and wonder behind all of this.

Can the Quidditch bush be our special journal place? That's where we'll leave it every time. That way we never forget.

Write to you soon,


Once Harry was satisfied with his writing, he snuck out to the bush and buried it in the leaves. "There." He whispered to himself and he walked off feeling giddy.

He went back to his room and found Draco drawing at his desk. "Oh! I didn't know you were here. I'll go." Harry said awkwardly. The fight they had the other night left things icy and cold between the two.

"Relax Potter. I'm over it. I mean, if I let everything people say affect me, I probably would have pitched myself off the astronomy tower by now." Draco said with a dry chuckle.

Harry's heart hurt for him, and he said "I'm sorry about what I said. I know you never wanted to be a death eater."

"Yeah. You proved that at my trial." Draco said, not looking up from his sketchbook.

Harry wasn't sure what to say to this, so he just kept quiet and sat down on his bed awkwardly.

"Jeez Potter, you can relax. It's just me, not the Minister of Magic." Draco said with a slight smile.

"Oh right. Um sorry. This is weird." Harry shrugged.

When Draco just nodded in response, Harry shifted in his seat and asked "What are you drawing?"

Finally Draco looked up at Harry. "Nothing. Just sketches."

"I've always been fascinated with people who can draw. I can't draw more than a stick figure."

"What the hell is a stick figure?" Draco asked.

Harry forgot about Draco's lack of muggle knowledge and answered with a laugh "It's just a muggle saying. It basically means you're rubbish at drawing."

"Oh. That's stupid. Why don't they just say that? I'll never understand muggles." Draco scoffed. But it wasn't a mean scoff like he used to. It was soft and meant more as a joke rather than an insult.

"Yeah I guess. But muggles can be smart too." Harry said.

"Really? Then tell me. What have muggles come up with that's so smart?" Draco challenged.

Harry thought for a moment and then said "Telephones. You can use them to talk to anyone in the world whenever you want. And all it takes is you pressing a few buttons."

"Oh. Well that is slightly impressive." Draco admitted with a smile.

"See? Muggles aren't that bad."

"I know. It was really unfair of me to say everything I did to Granger. She didn't deserve it."

Harry smiled at Draco and the two just looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Really only half a second, but still, it was enough for Draco to completely melt.

"I'm going to go. See you later." Draco said and got up. Every couple of hours, Draco would check on the bush, to see if Mystery Writer left the journal.

This time, when he got to the bush, he didn't just see the leaves, his eyes were met with the dark green cover.

He grabbed it eagerly and opened it up.

After reading the response, he hurried to the library to get a quill.


Dear Mystery Writer,

That's what I'm calling you for now. Anyway, I like your idea of having a special spot.

I'm curious about who you are. I mean, what if you're a serial killer or what if you're a professor or something?

At least, tell me what year you're in. I'm in the eighth year if that helps.

We should meet eventually shouldn't we? I can't take suspense. I'm a very impatient person. Any ideas of when we could meet? I mean chances are, we already are aware of each other's existence.

Love from,


Draco placed the journal back in the bush and hurried over to Blaise and Ron's dorm to tell his friend about the mysterious pen pal.

But when he got there, he was not prepared for what he saw.

Ron was pushed up against the wall and both boys were snogging passionately. Draco's face flushed at the sight and he mumbled "I suppose you're busy." As he ran out of the room awkwardly.

He sat outside the room and waited until one of the boys came out of the room, meaning they were...done.

A few moments later, Ron stepped out. His face was the color of his hair and he was grinning like a child. "Are you two done?" Draco asked as he pushed past the surprised Ron and into the room.

"Jeez, that took forever." Draco whined and Blaise gasped in shock. "Merlin, Draco what are you doing in here?!" He hissed, afraid that his friend found out about his make out session.

"I needed to tell you something."

"Oh, okay." Blaise cleared his throat. "Did you see...anything?"


Blaise let out a sigh of relief.

"Well except you and Weasley snogging, but that's about it."

Draco smirked playfully and patted his flustered friend's back.


I hope you guys like Blairon 💅

Love from,
Author ~

Date published: 10/24/22
Time: 12:03 am
Words: 1092

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