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Harry was sleeping peacefully, when suddenly he was awoken by the sound of Draco screaming. He immediately jumped out of bed and rushed over to wake Draco up.

"It's only a nightmare! Wake up!" He said as he shook Draco's shoulder. Draco's eyes fluttered open and he shot up.

He was breathing heavily. It was only a nightmare. In and out. In and out. When Draco finally calmed down, Harry sat next to him on his bed.

"I get nightmares too sometimes. Usually war flashbacks." Harry said casually and wrapped an arm around the shaking blond. "What was your nightmare about?" He asked.

Draco paused before answering "Nothing important." Which was a lie of course, but how was he supposed to explain his nightmare? Was he just supposed to say "Oh yeah I was in Azkaban and you were torturing me and said you would never love me."

Harry was skeptical of this, but decided it would be better not to pester him. After all, they only just started talking. Why ruin it?

The two sat in silence for a few minutes. It was sort of awkward, but they moved past it and allowed themselves to relax.

It was weird, Draco didn't normally feel like a kid having a nightmare. He felt like an adult being tormented every time he closed his eyes. Like his brain was trying to make him pay for all the things he did.

But, with Harry holding him, he felt like a small child. It was a funny sensation. He liked being comforted. So much of his childhood was stolen, and Harry was making up for it, even if he didn't know.

"Potter? I'm going to go get ready for breakfast." Draco got up and checked the time. 5:17 am. He hurried to the girl's dormitory, leaving a confused Harry behind.


Harry was never good at handling his emotions. He never knew when to scream or when to cry. He wasn't sure when to smile or when to frown. But in this moment, he was more confused than ever.

He just comforted his enemy after he had a nightmare. And it felt so normal. So natural, sort of like this is how it's supposed to be. For normal people, comforting someone is okay. It's just something you do.

But not for Harry.

Ever since he came to Hogwarts, it was pounded into his brain that the fate of the world was on his shoulders. He was afraid to mess up, afraid to do something wrong. And even though he won the war, this feeling didn't go away.

It was a permanent effect almost. He second-guessed every move he made because everything could lead to a disaster. At least in Harry's world.


"I just don't know what to do! I don't know how to express my emotions! It's just too complicated." Harry complained to Ron after dinner. They were doing their homework in the library.

"After Fred died, mum started writing in a journal. She said it helped her get everything out." Ron said.

Ron was always the happy go lucky friend. The one no one had to worry about, because everything was always fine. But, there was a side to him that no one except Hermione and Harry saw. The side of him that was sad and sensitive. The side that grieved and cried, despite the smile permanently plastered on his face.

Suddenly, an idea came to Harry. "I'll try that. Thanks mate." Harry smiled and patted Ron's back before heading to the Room of Requirement.


Harry stepped into the ROR and his breath was taken away by its beauty. It was decorated in colors from all the houses and had tall brown bookshelves. There was a large couch in the middle and a table next to it.

The room felt very homey and comfortable and Harry immediately felt more relaxed as he sat down on the plushy couch.

Harry spotted the journal laying on the table and picked it up. It wasn't very big or fancy, but it had nice dark green cover and the pages inside were bright white.

He picked up a pen and began to write.


Hello. This is sort of weird right? To talk to a book. But anyway, I think it would be good for me. At least that's what my friend told me.

Don't you think emotions are odd? How do you express them? And what if others don't understand? What if you don't understand?

I just wish someone could teach me about this. But is this something you could learn? Or is it simply something you pick up over time?

Who knows.

That's all,


Harry was unsure about how to sign the journal. What if some sort of Ginny situation happens to him? He thought of signing it with a simple P for Potter, but instead decided on the letter C for Chosen One.

After all, that is what people liked to call him. "The Chosen One."

What a stupid name. Who in their right mind would put such pressure on a child?

Harry decided that tonight was not the night to have a pity party and he shoved his new journal up his sweater and huried back to his room


"Okay welcome to the Getting those Idiots Together club!" Pansy said to Blaise, Hermione, and Luna. Luna was mainly just confused, and wondering how she even ended up here. But none the less, she was happy to be a part of something.

"I've been getting closer with Draco and he definitely fancies Harry." Hermione said with her hands on her hips. "He talks about him a lot." Luna nodded.

"Well then what about Harry?" Pansy asked. She hadn't talked to Harry much. He's sort of scared of her. "I'm not sure about him. He doesn't really want to open up." Blaise shrugged and looked at Hermione for answers.

"He's always been like that." She said and sat down next to Pansy.

Suddenly, the door burst open. Hermione grabbed Pansy's hand out of shock. Draco stormed in, but stopped when he saw the four of them staring at him.

"What the hell are you four doing?" Draco asked. Pansy was still blushing, but said "We're just hanging out you jealous git." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he simply scoffed.

"Well can you all get out, I need to be dramatic." Draco said and flung himself onto Pansy's bed. Blaise and Luna rolled their eyes and walked out. Hermione went to the bathroom to shower.

"I'm so done with you at this point." Pansy laughed and Draco smacked her arm. "I'm being serious this time!" He argued. "Fine, what is it?"

"I think I fancy Potter!"


No shit Draco 💀

~ Author

Date published: 10/23/22
Time: 1:38 pm
Words: 1140

My Letter Lover - Drarry -Where stories live. Discover now