Nail Varnish

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TW: Needles (not used for sh, just used for ear piercing)


A day after hearing the good news, Draco was back at the Manor. He was there with his mother, but she never really spoke to him. It wasn't out of anger, but really just exhaustion.

She was tired of the press ambushing her, she was tired of waking up in an empty bed, even if she hated Lucius. And most of all she was tired of the guilt she carried for what happened to Draco.

Because of this, Narcissa was extremely excited to receive Draco's Hogwarts Letter. "When he goes back to school, he can set his life on the right path and forget all about me." She thought to herself. And for her, this thought was highly comforting.

Draco opened up the letter and read it.


Dear Draco Malfoy,

I am pleased to hear that you'll be returning this year. I am also aware of the majority of the public's opinion of you, so I will be keeping your books and supplies here. Don't worry about going out to get your things.

The second thing I would like to inform you about is the resorting of 8th years. As a group, the staff has come to the decision that all of you have changed so much. Therefore, there is a large group of you that would be better off in a different house.

Best regards,
Headmistress McGonagall


Draco almost dropped the letter in disbelief. A resorting? They can't do that! But a secret part of him was excited at the possibility of getting out of Slytherin. He loved his housemates, but the cliques and drama was sometimes too much for him.

Even if it was Draco who started most of the drama. Although Draco's whole family was full of Slytherins he sort of thought he could've been in a different house. Maybe if his parents were kinder or he wasn't pressured into believing his blood was better than muggle borns.

"I'm going to go to Pansy's." Draco mumbled to his mother as he snatched his letter and headed over.


The Parkinson Manor was empty except for Pansy. Both her parents fled to muggle France, and left her behind. Pansy didn't like to talk about it, but Draco knew living in that house was slowly killing her.

They broke into Mr. Parkinson's fire whiskey collection and drowned themselves in the satisfying liquor. It felt nice to be numb and relaxed, even if the effects were only temporary.

"I wanna pierce your ears!" Pansy exclaimed. The two friends were tipsy, but not drunk. They'd gone out before and knew that they would do something utterly stupid if they drank too much.

"Okay!" Draco wasn't thinking straight, but he always knew he wanted pierced ears. Ever since Pansy got them done, he'd been obsessed. He loved to watch her do her make up and paint her nails.

But he always kept this a secret. His father despised the idea of Draco doing anything considered "only for girls".

"Can you do my nails too? And maybe some makeup?" Draco asked. He felt his bravest around Pansy. Their friendship really grew when they both came out to each other.

"Sure!" Pansy grabbed some dark green nail varnish and began to paint his nails. After about 5 minutes and one drying spell later, his nails were done.

"Wow..." Draco gasped as he admired his nails. He felt rebellious. Next, Pansy took her black eyeliner and drew a small winged look on Draco's eyes. It was subtle, but the blond boy loved it.

For the first time in a long time, he felt truly beautiful. Ever since he got the dark mark, he felt ugly. "I love it Pansy." He said as he admired himself in the mirror.

"I'm glad. Now let me get the piercing needle." Pansy jumped up from her chair and stumbled over to her bathroom drawer.

A few moments later, she came back with the needle and her wand. "Okay, I'm just going to use a quick numbing spell." She waved her wand and mumbled a spell.

"!" Pansy stabbed the needle through his earlobe.

"SHIT! PANSY WHAT THE HELL?!" Draco felt every single stinging pain in his earlobe. "THE FUCKING SPELL DIDN'T WORK!"

"Oh crap! Sorry Draco!" She wiped the little bit of blood, but then got a mischievous and slightly drunken idea.

Before Draco could even react, she stabbed the other needle through his other earlobe. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

A few minutes of arguing and swearing passed, before Draco decided that he forgave her. His earrings were simple and small silver hoops. "They match your eyes." Pansy said.

Draco had a strange feeling. Something like bliss. Maybe peace? He just felt purely calm and happy. And sure, this was mainly because of the fire whiskey, but it was still a good feeling.

Draco always had the burning desire to express his more feminine side, but he never had a chance. The most he was ever aloud was when he snuck some of his mum's blush and applied it whenever  he was home alone.

"I think this is the year I'll finally get to be myself." Draco hummed. "That would be nice. Maybe you can paint your nails every week. And I'll teach you how to do eyeliner if you want." Pansy said as she laid down on her plushy bed.

"Thanks Pans, that means a lot." Draco smiled at his friend, savoring a moment where Pansy wasn't being an impulsive bitch.

"Don't get all soft on me! It's fucking weird!" Pansy spat and Draco fell into a fit of laughter.

So this is what's it's like to feel at peace. To feel happy without any worries. Huh. I could get used to this.


Hey! Was it necessary for me to put a TW for the piercing needle? I wasn't sure 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, I hope you liked this 💗💗💅

~ Author

Date published: 10/21/22
Time: 10:35 pm
Words: 1006

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