Morning Coffee

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Harry sat on their bed, picking up a random book he found in the nightstand drawer. Draco was thanking Petal for the food and offering her some.

"No thank you Draco. I'm going to sit with Ms. Narcissa." She smiled, adjusting the beanie on her head. "Y'know, you don't have to call her Ms." Draco said. Petal thought to herself for a moment "It's a habit I suppose. But thank you!" Petal walked away, waving at Harry as she did so.

When Draco went over to Harry, food in hand, Harry said "I think if your fourteen year old self saw you now, he would be amazed." He noticed Draco's kindness towards his house elf, and he knew in that moment that he really had changed.

"Shut up you." Draco smirked, blushing slightly. He peered down at the book his boyfriend was holding.

"Oh my fucking Merlin! That's my diary from Hogwarts!" He shouted and lunged towards the journal. But it was too late and Harry climbed on to the nightstand and opened the diary to a random page.

Draco buried his face into a pillow and screamed, as Harry began to read out loud with a mischievous look on his face "Stupid Potter was able to charm that werid, grey chicken. I on the other hand, received a massive injury. I must admit that I checked Harry out as I was taunting him. But it's not my fault! He just looked particularly dashing that day."

Harry burst into a fit of laughter as Draco laid on his stomach, and kicked his feet, like a child having a tantrum. "You thought I was dashing in third year?!" Harry managed to say in-between laughter.

"As a matter of fact, yes!" Draco half yelled, in a joking manor as he jumped up and snatched the journal back from a distracted Harry.

Harry pouted at the loss of Draco's diary and flew on to the bed, sending Draco rolling off.

Draco fell right on his left arm, and he was overwhelmed with surges of shooting pain. The red liquid began to seep through his white dress shirt as Harry rushed over to help him.

"Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry!" Harry said, clearly scared, as he used various cleaning spells. Then, he gingerly rolled up his boyfriend's sleeve and used a simple healing spell. The two watched in awe as the scars on his arm stitched themselves back together.

You see, Draco had a lot of old scars. Some of them are years old, some are only a few months old. And the pressure of falling on his dark mark, caused the newest ones to open up, reminding him of what he'd done.

"Shit." Draco mumbled as he rolled his sleeve up farther. His shirt was sticking to him with sweat and he didn't want to ruin a brand new top. "Fuck it." He said and took off his shirt.

Harry's mouth hung open, but only for a second. "Draco..." He breathed and noticed his scars that covered his chest. I did that. The words repeated in Harry's head over and over.

Until, Draco reached his hand out and held Harry's shaking wrist. Slowly, he brought the raven haired boy's hand to his chest and he could feel the bumps of the scars. "It's okay my love." Draco smiled clumsily.

Harry pulled his hand away, blushing like mad. He became even more flustered, as he wrapped Draco's arm in a bandage. Harry's love language always was an act of service.

Draco felt more comfortable with himself now. Harry saw his scars. All of them. And he wasn't repulsed by it. He was still able to care for him after what he saw.

The blond's mind was racing as his heart beat went back to a normal pace. Still shirtless, Harry and Draco laid back on the bed, Harry laying on his chest.

The rising and falling of Draco's chest was comforting and eventually, the two of them fell into slumber.


The next morning, Draco was awoken by the sound of knocking on the door.

He looked down at Harry, who was still dozing peacefully on his bare chest. Draco blushed, realizing how intimate this was.

He heard another knock, and carefully got up, making sure to not move Harry too much.

Draco pulled on a sweater, in case it was his mother on the other side of that door. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

He opened up the door and peered at Petal, standing with her little tray that held two cups of coffee. "Good morning Draco!" She smiled and the blond took the tray, setting it down on the nearby desk.

"Thank you so much Petal." Draco said, but Petal wasn't listening, she noticed Harry on the bed, hugging a pillow. She also saw the dress shirt, which was clean thanks to magic, laying on the floor.

"Oh!" She whispered. Being the oblivious idiot he is, it didn't occur to Draco what Petal was seeing.

She paused for a moment, before plastering an innocent look on her face and saying "I heard some thumping coming for your room last night. Don't worry, I won't tell Ms. Narcissa." She grinned slightly.

Draco flushed red and tried to explain "No Petal! It's nothing like that, I just fell!" He whispered, trying not to wake Harry. "Alright then." She said with a slightly sarcastic tone, clearly showing that she didn't believe him.

"No really!" Draco said, but she already began walking back down the dark hallway.

Draco groaned and slumped down to the floor. At this noise, Harry woke up. "What's wrong?" He asked, with a raspy morning voice. Draco's face turned even more red and flustered at the sound of his words, and buried his face into his hands.

"Nothing. Petal brought us coffee." He half lied and gave Harry a mug. The raven haired boy raised an eyebrow. "Thanks."

Awkwardly, Draco took a sip and watched as Harry sat up, his hair a mess. I suppose his hair doesn't look like a complete rat arse.


Hello lovelies!

I hope you liked this chapter! Personally, I thought it was pretty cute.

Also, PETAL 😍😘🤩🥰😘😍😘

Love you,
Author ~

Date published: 11/15/22
Time: 7:42 pm
Words: 1054

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