Chapter 4 - Wrapped Up In My Arms

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I sit on the old couch, looking at the patches to hide the old rips and wholes and carefully run my hand over newly warn parts. Looking up I smiled as Charlie took the seat opposite me, "How are you doing Charlie" it looked like something dropped behind his warm brown eyes but the smile across his warn face never faltered

"I'm fine thank you Esme" he opened his mouth I assume to ask how I was but I beat him to it

"I'm serious Charlie, it can't be easy" his eyebrows creased with confusion

"I don't understand what your getting at" he sat up straighter as if worried about someone finding out he wasn't strong all the time, as if offended that I suggested he couldn't be strong all the time

"Please don't get me wrong Charlie, I think you're doing wonderfully but I saw Bella and I know that myself and my family are fully to blame and I wholeheartedly apologies but she is not alright an"

In an instant, Charlie was on his feet, an offended angry expression fell over his wrinkled skin "I look after her Mrs Cullen" slight anger lasing his ordinarily calm voice made me pull back against the sofa as I was forced to remember Charles my ex-husband standing above me belt in hand

"An... and I know you do Charlie" I stutter, quickly throwing my hands up in surrender as Charlie sits back down an apologetic expression adorned across his tired face, I took a deep unnecessary breath as I heard Bella sobbing breaking my porcelain heart "but you are trying to look after her and Forks, you are only human and yet so much realize on you, you look like you haven't slept in properly, in months" and that was it,

I watched as the grown man in front of me failed to keep the tears back anymore "It's going to be alright Charlie, it might not be alright now but you're going to be alright, do you want to talk about it" I quickly made my way over to him as soon as the first of what was going to be many tears started making its way down his cheek

"I've tried everything but I just can't help her" my heart shattered as the broken sobs of Charlie and Bella filled my ears this was all my family's fault "I'm just so tired and I can't do it anymore, I love Bella I do I truly do but I'm close to sending her back to Renee"

"Charlie" I took his shaking hand in mine as I decided precisely how I was going to help my daughter "let me take Bella of your hands for a couple of weeks, you can get a decent night's sleep and I can see what I can do to help, I have been in a situation similar to Bella's before I might be able to help her"

Charlie was clearly hesitant at my suggestion and I could see him weighing up his options in his head "I don't want you to be negatively..."

"Please Charlie my family made this mess let me help fix it, you are incredibly brave for accepting that you need help" I knew it was wrong to use my charm against him but I didn't lie

"I um I guess I could use the rest but what if Bella thinks that I'm trying to get rid of her"

"You can come and see her whenever you want she won't think that you are trying to get rid of her"

"Alright thank you, Esme, although I should warn you since you left she has developed nightmares she will wake up screaming" he looked down suddenly finding the dusty floor more interesting before he rubbed his eyes

"Don't worry Charlie, I used to do the same with Rosalie, Alice and Jasper, they all come from, complex backgrounds, when they first joined our family, I was up all the time trying to help them" as heartbreaking as it was to say, it was true only Alice was willing to accept my help straight away, it always hurt as there was so little I could do to help my children

All Charlie did was nod as he looked up at the clock, "you should head up to work, I'll talk to Bella about the new arrangement, you should come over today after work to see her" Charlie and I stood up together as he extended his hand for me to take, "it's going to be alright Charlie your a good man"

"Thank you, Esme, I don't know what I would have done without you" I shook his hand before he wiped his eyes quickly scurrying from the house. Without missing a beat I ascended the stairs using my enhanced speed, stopping outside the plain oak door harbouring my hurt daughter

Lightly I knocked on the door, "Bella sweetheart can I come in, Charlie's left for work", right as I started speaking, I heard Bella try to stifle her sobs, her back just grazed against the door, her feet quickly plodded away to the other side of the room, I took a deep unnecessary breath before carefully gripping the handle and pushing the door open. Bella was beside her bed looking out the window, I stayed at the threshold, yearning to comfort her but knowing worrying that it might make everything worse, "Bella, sweetheart" I called, she hummed quietly in response acknowledging that she'd heard me "Charlie and I were talking Bella, we're going to be together just you and me for a little while, Charlies going to come over and visit tonight after work" I kept walking closer but stopped and sat down at the end of the bed, Bella staid facing the window though "Bella, sweetheart, can you please look at me, I want to help you" I made sure to take everything slowly thinking back to when I would have to encourage Rosalie and later Jasper out of their hiding places and still what I have to do with Alice when she has horrifying visions

With a long exhale Bella turned around her eyes were red and puffy, her fragile eyelashes clumped together with glue-like tears. I patted the bed next to me inviting her to join me I had to fight back a frown that tried to take over my face as she shook her head taking a step back closer to the window "I am so sorry Bella" she looked confused but before she could object to my guilt I tried to encourage her to get past, "Bella, sweetheart why don't we get a bag ready so we can go back" we had the bag packed and I was pulling out of the drive with Bella absentmindedly staring out of the window in record time

All I could think was how much of a terrible mother I was, I had abandoned my daughter never once checking on her to make sure she was alright and safe, I had failed my one single job as a mother, under my breath I kept repeating "I am so sorry Bella, I am sorry for the pain I have put you through my daughter"

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