Chapter 2 - Saving My Daughter

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The second I heard her voice the panic and fear hit me, I didn't even think as I pulled a pair of keys from the rack in the garage and unlocked a car, instantly knowing it was Edward's, Aston Marten. He had left it last time we had stade here so it had stade collecting dust for quite some time but lucky for me it meant it had a full tank. Bella had also never seen the car so she should not think that Edward's back. As much as I love my son, my daughter needs me the most and the last thing she needed was to see him.

For the first time since I started driving forty-seven years ago, I disregarded the rules of the road, something that would shock my family if they were here, I was known for scolding my children when they went too fast but there was a first for everything. I tried racking my brain for any lesser-known backroads to shorten the long journey as I attempted to comfort Bella.

I felt my heart shatter as her continued sobbed apologies reached my ears as I turned off the main road pushing the car to its limits. Away from the bustling, cold city down some old forgotten back road where no cameras lay I allowed myself to let go, pressing the peddle so it was touching the floor, I watched the speed dial as it stopped at the end of the clock, I was silently thanking Rosalie for her talent, her sleepless nights of improving the cars, I would be surprised if anyone could see the car as it zoomed round the bends.

I could not help praying that I would not be too late, when she told me that she was at the bushes I let out an unneeded sigh of relief, for the first time since I found out where she was I could finally stop imagining my daughter at the bottom of the ocean, I could finally stop seeing Bella stepping from the cliff, but it did not call the end of the flashback to the night when all it took was two simple steps in hopes of easing the pain.

"I enjoy making apple pie" I quickly answered her request for a change in subject "my grandmother taught me a delicious recipe, why don't I tell you, maybe we could make it together" she hummed in agreement making my unbeating heart melt "so you melt butter with brown sugar constantly stirring, when it is boiling add in the chopped apple and keep stirring until the apple is soft then mash the apples, then take it off the heat and get a normal pastry prepared then pore the apple mixture in the pastry and checker the top before covering the top in brown sugar and baking it for half an hour" after not getting anything back I decided to change the topic of conversation "my favourite flower is a Pleione Orchid, it is named for the mother of Pleiades, it is one of my favourite stories in Greek mythology I will tell you the story later, I promise" I pushed the peddle harder as I passed the signed entrance to Forks

As the car skidded to a halt I lept out as Bella came walking out of the forest but what surprised me was that she was walking backwards as if watching for someone following her. I let the phone drop to my side my thumb slid over the red button. Taking fast strides I quickly got to her and without thinking, I tightly wrapped my arms around her, I felt her relax quickly into my hold, her wet body shook with the cold of the rain as she broke down her legs giving way "shh Bella shh your alright, I'm here" I reassured but as soon as the words fell, she fell, slump in my arms, thinking fast I gently brushed my arm against the back of her legs picking her up like a baby.

I sped over to the Aston Marten carefully lying Bella on the back seat, instantly I sped off this time heading for the home we never should have left. Driving slower than before I glided down the wet roads, I could see people stopping and staring at the car as if surprised to see such a polite car. As I pulled into the slowly overgrowing driveway, I allowed the car to slip around the curves leading up to the house. Quickly I stopped the car and sped round to Bella, gently picking her up and ran into the house and up to my room, I carefully laid her down on the sofa in my room as I ripped the dust sheet from the bed and sped to cover it with the fresh silver satin sheets before topping with a matching comforter.

I slipped her into my arms again, taking her into the bathroom, drying her cold body after carefully removing her sodden clothes and replacing them with one of my purple nightshirts. I took her back into my bedroom and wrapped her tightly under the blankets, "sleep well sweetheart" I whispered as I planted a light kiss on her forehead. I took my time going around the room dragging the dust covers from the furniture and began carefully hanging paintings as my phone sounded from the bedside table, I sped to answer it before it could wake Bella up, I take a quick look at the name as I answer it. It was my husband, Carlisle.

"Hello Carlisle" I answer and hear a sigh of relief ring through from the other side and I instantly felt guilty as I remembered that in my haste I forgot to leave a note which was very unlike me so I must have had my poor husband very worried

"Esme is everything alright I got home and you weren't there and you didn't leave a note" I could hear the worry in my mates voice and it hurt me to know that I caused him that pain

"Carlisle I am so sorry that I didn't leave a note I didn't think," I said as I slipped out of the room and into the dark hallway only leaving the door open a crack so I can still see Bella if needed "oh Carlisle we have made a right mess of things," I say as a small sob escapes my throat

"What do you mean love, where are you"

"Forks" was my only answer as I allowed the wall to guide me to the floor

"Did something happen to" he didn't finish his sentence as if dreading the answer he already knew

"You need to come but take your time" my sentence was interrupted by a heart rendering scream coming from my own daughter's chest, I drop the phone and before it can hit the floor I'm at Bella's side and whispering sweet nothings into her ear, cooing her as I slowly brush the hair out of her face, I watch intently as the sharp grimace melts away into a soft relaxed expression. I ran back to the hallway and retrieved my phone from the floor, I could hear Carlisle at the other end calling my name "she's fine, I think she just had a nightmare"

"What happened to her, is she alright" it was clear that he was just as worried about her as I was, I made quick work of explaining everything from when I first got her phone call to the moment I laid her down and by the time I had finished I was dry sobbing "oh god, what have we done, what were we thinking" I could hear the sadness soaking through his voice

"I really don't know Carlisle but please come down, don't rush I want some time with Bella to try and figure everything out but please come back alone"

"Of course my love I will be there in a few days but I won't make any firm plans, I will see you then I love you"

"I love you too" and with that, I was left alone sounds fill my ears sounds from the forest, the river that is just behind the house and the road in front but the only sound that I focus on is my human daughter's heartbeat.

I saw her eyes slowly move to a halt from behind her eyelids  before they slowly fluttered open, without missing a beat, I sped to her side and before her next heartbeat, "where" she cut herself off as her trailing eyes collided with mine "Esme" I could see the confusion in her eyes as she tried to sit up but her limbs just slightly too strong enough "what are you doing here, I thought that you left with everyone else"

"Oh Bella" I wrapped her up in a tight hug "baby I am so sorry that we left that was most definitely the worst mistake  we have ever made"

"Please don't get upset I'm sorry for worrying"

"Oh sweet sweet Bella you don't need to apologise please just tell me why, why did you go to the cliff, why" my vision became blurred as it was filled with venom tears

"I couldn't do it anymore after you left then Jacob said that he didn't want to hang out with me anymore and he like you just left me" Bella began sobbing again as I tightened my hold around her

"Shhh sweetheart, Bella I'm here and I promise that I will never ever leave you again"


"I promise you" I kissed her forehead as she tried to stifle a yawn "go to sleep sweety I will be here when you wake up"

I felt her tense under my arms as she looked up at me "do... do you promise"

"I promise" and with that, she snuggled closer into me as I pulled the blanket up her thin frame. I recounted the times we had together before... I knew that she was not this thin when we left. 

What had we done but... most importantly what had I done?

What do you think of the new cover, again all credit goes to Stephenie Meyer all I own is the plot

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