Chapter 1 - A New Hope

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"Please Bella, don't do this" I looked back at Edward one last time hoping that there was a reason in his perfectly sculpted face to step away from the edge, there was non, hesitantly I walk back to the edge of the cliff peering down at the long drop below I felt my stomach lurch at the sight of the dangerous waves below. The cold wind started to hurt more as it caught the tears that had quickly started cascading down my cheeks as my breath caught in my throat, even if this was not something I wanted, it was clear that it was something they wanted.

I glanced one last time over my shoulder to see avid remorse fill Edward's eyes, I shut mine to break the eye contact. As I slowly opened my eyes I was in the forest in front of Edward once again. "You were just a pet" the words rattled around in my head, it must have been true his cold eyes locked right at mine

"But" my attempt to protest Edward was quickly buried

"You don't deserve me or my family" my heart was shattered at this just the other day they were acting like I was actually a part of their family, Esme had told me that I was her daughter and nothing would change that. She was acting like a mother that could be a lie, could it?

After he made me promise that I would not do anything reckless for Charlie he gave me one last awful mark, he kissed the top of my head, as I watched him leave I felt like everything had just gone, I felt completely numb it was not because he had left it was because they all had left. I thought of them as family and they had left without saying goodbye.

My eyes shot open as my legs shook, I looked around through my blurred eyes, I was back at the cliff. I peered over the edge and took one final breath before I heard "Esme wouldn't want you to do this please don't" he begged me. There was something real in his voice something that made me realise what I was doing, I kept my head down looking at the ravenous sea below. Was this what I wanted? Yes, but at the same time, I knew I could not put Charlie through that pain. I started choking on every breath as I shut my eyes against the harsh wind

As the darkness started to fade. I was trapped in the gaze of yellow topaz eyes, it took me half a second to realise that I was back at the baseball field "that's why I did it" it took me several moments to realise that it was Esme talking to me "I jumped off the cliff"

"Edward told me you fell" I had no idea that Esme had to live with that, it made me wonder how the universe could have ever been so mean to Esme, she was such a kind motherly woman and perfect in every way who could be so cruel as to take her baby away, I slowly shut my eyes as the pins and needles took over my body as I gasped trying desperately to take air in my lungs. I couldn't do it anymore.

As I opened my eyes I was once again at the cliff face. I needed to know if this really was the right decision to make, so as the world around me continued spinning faster I pulled out my phone with shaky hands, the screen glared through my tear-filled vision as I pressed on her number. I knew that it was foolish even to try, it was going to be the same as whenever I tried to call Alice but I needed something

I counted the rings 1... 2... 3... 4... I was about to put my phone down when I heard it "hello?" she answered, why had she answered?

I was sobbing uncontrollably still at the edge "Esme" I stuttered, I couldn't recognise my own voice through my sobs "please please" 

"Thank you Bella" I heard Edward's voice slowly fade away

"Bella? sweetheart take a deep breath" I could hear the worry in her voice

"I-I can't"

"Yes, yes you can Bella" I whimpered in disagreement before Esme continued "breath with me in... out... in... out" I don't know how long Esme had been at the other end of the phone calming me down "that's it Bella keep breathing slow, what's going on"

"I-I-I can't do it anymore" I broke down even harder every word was choked out "I'm s-s-sorry"

"Bella, you have nothing to be sorry for, where are you"

"One of the cliffs on the reservation" I started to feel sick and ready to pass out at any moment

"Bella I want you to keep talking to me alright" I hummed a reply knowing that she would be able to hear it over the strong winds "Bella what is going on"

"I-I need... I can't... I'm s-s-so sorry" The rain started to pummel down hard against me

"Bella you have nothing to be sorry for, take slow deep breaths for me and please take slow steps back away from the edge of the cliff can you do that for me" I followed what Esme had said and very slowly backed away from the edge one step at a time as Esme kept giving me reassuring words

"I'mmm at the bushes" I trembled

"Good Bella keep breathing slow and deep, can you keep walking back for me sweetheart"

"I'mmm sorry for bothering you, Esme"

"No Bella I want to keep talking to you, you're not bothering me" we were talking about different recipes and then our favourite flowers as I absentmindedly retraced my steps. When I finally finished retracing my steps I don't know how long I had taken but at least I was back home, I felt my heart drop as a beep crept out of my phone telling me I was alone again, I stayed unmoving from gazing back at where I had just come from. I jumped as I felt two ice-cold arms wrap around my waist

I had this idea a few days ago and it has taken me two days of writing thank you for giving my story a go, the book cover will change as soon as my iPad is working again. I own nothing of Twilight and all rights go to Stephany Myres (I think that is how you spell her name) please vote and comment.

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