Chapter 11 Why Was Publushing This So Hard-

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Tommy stared out the window as the sun rose. He loved the warm shades of reds and yellows it created since they made him feel at ease. Tommy yawned. He felt more fatigued now adays. Usually he could go a few days without sleep and feeling tired, but now his sleeping schedule has leveled out and he goes to sleep and wakes up at a reasonable time.

The blonde stood up and put on his usual outfit and went downstairs. No one else seemed to be awake yet as the house was still very quiet. So what did Tommy do? He made breakfast for everyone. Nothing too special, just pancakes and bacon with water as a drink. He also set the table, so when the first person decided to wake up they could just go and eat immediately.

Surprisingly the first person awake besides Tommy wasn't Dream, but BBH. "Tommy? Why are you awake? Shouldn't you still be resting?" Bad asked as if he didnt look like he'd fall asleep any second. "Oh, I woke up and felt awake enough to cook... I guess." Tommy answered as he checked that the bacon hadn't burned. "Ah.... Uh... Did you set the table yet? If you didn't I could." Bad offered seeming to finally wake up a bit as he straightened his posture. "It's fine, I already did it. You can your morning routine if you have one?" Tommy recommended as his voice got slightly higher at the end.

"Ah... Yeah..." the taller of the two said as he left the kitchen. "...fuck that was awkward." Tommy mumbled as he cowered his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Also... How is he so fucking tall? He's like... over 9 feet tall!" Tommy questioned out loud as he transfered the bacon onto a serving plate.

As Tommy finished putting all the food onto the dining table, he went upstairs and bumbed into Dream. "Fuck- sorry." Tommy managed to spit out as he caught his fall. "It's fine... You smell like bacon." Dream pointed out as he raised his eyebrow slightly. "Yeah, breakfast is served." Tommy replied. "... I'll go wake George up." Dream said as he walked back to his and George's room.

Tommy then went and woke up the trio who somehow squeeze into their twin sized bed. Then Tommy knocked onto the guest room where Bad and Skeppy slept. "Breakfast is served!" He yelled and waited for a response. "Okay! We'll be right down!" Bad replied through the door.

Tommy then went back downstairs and after a few minutes the others flooded into the dining room. The awkward air Tommy felt before while speaking with Bad disappeared as they all began chatting and eating. That made Tommy odly happy. He wasn't quite sure why though.

After they all finished cleaning up Dream told the plan for the day: "Alright. So me, George and Karl will go and scavange for food while Sapnap stays here to catch up with Bad and Skeppy while Quackity and Tommy spy on the enemy." "Eyyy, I get to hang out with Tommy!" Quackity yelled in excitement, his accent coming out slightly. "That settles it then." Dream said with a small smile.

They all went and preped for their respective missions and headed out.

"Prime, I always forget how long of a walk it is to the capital." Quackity whined as the two walk. "It's like 4 more hours big Q. You'll survive." Tommy said as he looked around for eavesdroppers. "What!? That's so-... Wait... Did you call me big Q?" Quackity cut his complaining short as he turned to look at Tommy. "Yeah... Is that okay?... If it isn't I can-" "No no it's fine! It's great! You can keep calling me that Tommy." Quackity cut Tommy off with reassurance. Tommy nodded and the two continued their way.

When they eventually made it to the capital Tommy pulled his hood over his head to cover his face. Quackity didn't need to do that as his face was a mystery to the kingdom unlike Tommy's.

"Don't wonder off." Quackity whispered which Tommy agreed to. He'd rather not bump into someone he or well, Thomas knows by himself. The two traveled through the crowds of people almost seperating by accident a few times because of how many people there were on the streets. "Let's go in here." Quackity mumbled as he grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him into a... "Is this a therapy clinic?" Tommy asked in confusion as he looked at the information board that clearly said 'Captain Puffy's clinic for the mentally unstable'. "That's mostly a cover up." Quackity replied as he motioned for Tommy to follow him to the back.

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