(chapter 1) "Man This Is A Shitty Start"

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Tommy, who didn't have a last name was left at the orphanage presumably the day he was born. All that was with him was a shitty blanket and a note saying Tommy. Tommy doesn't blame whoever his parents were though after all they might of been tight on money or something, but come on. Atleast drop him off normally to the orphanage.

Life there was absolute garbage. The people who worked there treated the kids like shit and Tommy swears that there's mold growing in every corner of the building.

That's the only reason he liked school, he could get away from the terrible orphanage and try and be a normal kid. Though he ended up getting bullied instead so he decided to escape to the world of found family, fantasy books because he'd always wanted to belong to a family. He always wanted to be the main character in the books. The kid who finds a family out of the blue and gets to live happily ever after. He can't even count how many times the stories made him cry nor could he tell how many books he'd read anymore.

All he knew was that his favorite books were called: "The beggar that became the adopted child of a Duke." with different variations depending on which book you read. Tommy loved the storyline of the books and how the mc would end up happily living with the Watsons. But the mc wasn't Tommy's favorite character.

His favorite character was a boy named Thomas Watson, well the last name gets cut out around chapter ten of the story which had 5 books and three side stories in total. But the reason he was Tommy's favorite character even though he had only a small part to play in the book was because Tommy felt a connection to him. They were similar yet at the same time they weren't.

Thomas Watson was kind of a brat but the only reason he was like that was because he wanted attention from his family. He wanted them to look at him even if they were only glares and disgusted expression. They were still looking at him so he was happy for the smallest bits of attention he got. So when he found out that they'd adopted a kid his age and cared for them more than they ever did to him, he rightfully so felt betrayed and hurt. All he ever wanted was his family's love but all he got was disowned in the end.

Tommy started crossing the street as he fondly stared at the cover of the first book titled with no variations just "The beggar who became the adopted child of a Duke". He wishes he could reincarnate into this world. Maybe then he would of had a chance at having a happy family.

Tommy suddenly stopped in the middle of the street as he notices a bright light shine of him. He looks to the source and he froze, there was a truck going towards him at full speed.

Then everything went blank.

When Tommy woke up he expected to atleast feel some kind of warm and soft bedding but no. He woke up and felt sharp pain all over him on top of it everything felt cold and he could feel his stomach twisting in hunger. Tommy opened his eyes and noticed glass shards, gravel and stones under him, two walls beside him and one behind and one opening to what seemed to be a really old city.

Tommy tried standing up, although the pain made him feel like he was going to pass out. He tried removing as many glass shards off of himself and stumbled out of the alley to see what seemed to be a medieval city with people all around going about their lives. Tommy's head hurt, who is he? No where is he? This place isn't the fucking UK at the very least. It seemed aestheticly somewhere closer to middle eastern Europe or something.

The scent of freshly baked goods hit Tommy's nose and made his stomach growl in pain. Tommy felt like he was going to pass out. He felt peoples' stares on him and the way they wishpered and snickered at him. Was he a beggar or something?

"How shameless of him to still be in this city. He should of left it after he'd gotten disowned." One whispered loud enough for Tommy to hear. "I know right. How could he do something so disgusting and think he'd still be welcomed here. The bratty dukes son 'Thomas' should of left this place a long time ago." another one whispered back.

Tommyinnit Reincarnates Into A Fantasy Book As The Disowned Son Of A DukeWhere stories live. Discover now