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Team RWBY stood before Professor Ozpins office, still recovering from Professor Ports long-winded story about how amazing he was as a young Hunter. Yang was fully asleep, Ruby was barely awake and trying her best to stay awake. But, unless she was like Professor Oobleck or the snow heiress, staying awake was next to impossible. Blake pretended to be asleep, kept her focus on that new special book she never let anyone read.

Weiss delicately knocked on the office door like the elegant girl she is then checked her nails. Ruby on the other hand curiously rocked back and forth on her feet. She ran dozens of scenarios in her head, trying to come up with the possible reasons as to why they were called into the office.

Before she could come to a reason, the door opened and a whiff of tea wormed its way into her nostrils. "Girls," he said as he stepped aside. "Sit down, please." He pointed towards a forest-green couch that sat below four diamond shaped paintings, each with a symbol of a different season.

Professor Ozpin strolled over to his desk chair. From a distance it looked comfortable, probably because it was made of leather. He sipped his tea and sat it off to the side on that thick coaster which was forest green too. "Thank you for coming, I have something I wish for you four to handle."

"What is it?" Ruby replied.

"You see, I want you to investigate the Forever Fall forest for me. There's something there to which I believe could be a benefit to Beacon. I'm not sure what, and to be honest I might be sending you on a goose chase."

Ruby shot up from the sofa, she had this wide smile stretched across her face. "Don't worry, Professor! You can count us! We'll complete this mission so fast your head will spin!"

Weiss sighed, Blake remained quiet while Yang just laughed at how gung-ho her little sister was. "I was going to accept this mission too, just with more dignity," Weiss said.

"I don't have a problem with it," Yang added.

"I don't either," Blake added in a tone that said she couldn't care less. She had hoped to get back to the dorm and catch up on the latest chapter of her new book The Nobles Bride, and it was getting to the good steamy parts.

"Alright then, there'll be a Bullhead outside waiting for you. I look forward to what you turn up."


Cerana stared out her living room window, she watched the small rodents scurry around the forests towering red trees. Coming out and in when they gathered enough nuts for the day. It's been about four months since she came to this world, she learned the language and everything she needed to know about the world. She came to the conclusion that every world is plagued by conflict and there's no escaping from mortal stupidity.

Suddenly, she felt a presence, four of them, deep within the woods. They weren't the usual black creatures that ignorantly challenged her, but the energy of three humans and a Faunus. Anger she had kept a lid on started to boil, she wanted to wipe them off the face of the planet, but she knew she couldn't. They were innocent and killing them would be unjustified, no matter how similar they were to the humans in her world.

I can at least find out what they want. In the blink of an eye Cerana vanished, instantly reappearing in front of her visitors. "Ah! " the one in black and red yelped. "W-Where did you come from?"

Cerana didn't bother to answer the girls question, instead she replied with one of her own. "What do you want?" she said harshly.

"Where do you get off talking to us like that!" Weiss argued.

Cerana applied a bit of pressure into the atmosphere, sending the girls to their knees. "I don't have much tolerance for humans anymore. Tell me why you came here or leave."

"We came here because our Professor wanted us to investigate the forest." The girl with long golden locks spoke up, her gaze was fierce but no longer that lilac color.

"There's nothing here but this worlds strange black beasts and me. And by the looks of it, you came here prepared to encounter these creatures. Which means you four had no clue I'd be here." Cerana released her pressure and allowed the girls to stand. She turned her back to the girls and started to walk away. "Tell this Professor of yours to leave me be. His future attempts to further coerce me to his side will only be proven fruitless."


With that the mysterious girl vanished out of then air. Yang was stunned and had never felt so helpless in her life. But, despite that she felt as if the girl never wanted to hurt them. Yet there was also this rage and sadness that was just pouring out of her. "What the heck was that?" Weiss asked while she dusted some dirt of her skirt.

"It felt like we were held down by some sort of pressure," Blake added.

"You think that might be her semblance?" Ruby asked.

"I don't think she has a semblance, Rubes. Remember, she said 'this world' which sounds like she's not from Remnant."

"This is crazy!" Weiss replied. "You actually believe this girl is from another world?"

"It makes since if you think about it. Not only did she say 'this world' she also called the Grim 'black beasts' when everyone in Remnant knows what they're called."

"Sigh... we better head back and report to Professor Ozpin, let's hope he likes what we found out."

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