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Ozpin leaned against the back of his chair and studied team RWBY. They looked defeated as if something had gone down in the forest. "So girls... what can you tell me?" for a moment the air in the room was silent, as if they were coming up with a way to explain everything.

Ruby spoke up. "Well, we think this is gonna be pretty hard to believe, but when we got there we encountered someone living in the forest."

I sensed magical power coming from the forest, but I didn't expect someone to be living there. If they're capable of doing so then they must be strong. "Yes, that does sound quite hard to believe. No one in there right mind would live in a forest infested with Grim."

"She did say some things that we picked up on," Yang replied. "Like calling the Grim 'black beasts' and saying 'this world' as if she was from a different one."


"She also seems to hate humans, she said that any attempts to persuade her would prove to be fruitless. In all honesty Professor Ozpin, I think we should just leave her be," said Weiss. "From our encounter it's obvious she could've killed us the second she noticed us. We're lucky enough to be sitting in front of you."

"Hm? I see... thank you all for this information, this was insightful. You're free to go." Ozpin watched team RWBY enter the elevator, his mind wandered and filled with possible solutions on how to get this stranger into Beacon. He had heard their warnings, but he was trying his hardest to avoid the path he feared Remnant was going down. He needed someone or something strong at his back, no matter how much they hated humans.

He stood to his feet, took his olive blazer off the back of his chair and headed for the elevator. I have to admit, I'm quite curious as to why she hates humans so much.


Ozpin trecked through the forest, his guard was up just in case a pack of Grim wanted to fight him. Yet it was too quiet, except for the small rodents running around. Out of the shadows a girl who appeared no older than a seventeen year old stepped out. "Sigh... I can't say that I wasn't expecting you to come. You must be the Professor those girls were talking about."

"I am, my name is Ozpin. I'm the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, and you are?"

"Cerana Lohr. Why have you come here? I've already told those girls I don't plan on interfering in this worlds affairs. What makes you think you have any more of a chance in persuading me than those before you?"

"Team RWBY didn't come here to persuade you to do anything. I sent them here to investigate the mysterious surge of power I sensed coming from this forest." Ozpin leaned on his cane as if he was an old man easing the pain on one side of his body. He was old, but far from frail. "I refrained from telling them any serious details, magic is something that's not quite common here."

"I know. The people in this world are ignorant of the mana around them. But how is it that you can sense magic?"

"Long story, one I'm not willing to retell for the moment. Though, believe me when I say this, if I can sense your magic there's no doubt my enemies can sense you too."

Cerana was unfased. "I've no fear of your enemies, Professor."

"Be that as it may, I don't plan on taking the risk of loosing someone such as yourself to darkness."

"I've been in darkness a long time, Professor. I need a cause that'll set me free, give me a reason to fight again."

"I can't give you a reason to fight, you have to find that reason yourself, but I'd be glad to help you along the way."

Cerana took a moment to think and Ozpin had hoped he was moments away from getting Cerana to come back to Beacon with him. "Fine, I'll join you. It seems I won't get any peace back otherwise."

Ozpin grinned, "Thank you. You won't regret making this choice."

"For your worlds sake I hope I don't."

Her threat hit deep. Ozpin knew the moment he laid eyes on Cerana that he could be killed on the spot. He had been keeping up a facade of someone strong in front of her, but his whole body was quivering in fear. If anything went wrong, Salem would be the least of his concerns.

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