Chapter 59: An Alolan Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Serena laughed even harder. "You're so cute when you're flustered. I bet that gets tiring."

Ash saw his chance for revenge. With a smug grin he spoke. "Well then, I can't imagine how exhausted you must be."

Serena stopped laughing and blushed madly. She let out high pitched grunts. Now Ash's turn to laugh came.

"J-...Jerk. You suck" Serena stuttered.

"You know you love me Serena."

Serena couldn't help but giggle. "Oh yes, I do. Very much."

The Pokémon were watching the two interact.

"Can they just marry each other already" Greninja said.

"For real. But you have to admit how cute they are when they flirt" Delphox said.

Sylveon rubbed her head against Pikachu's. "Well we beat them in one category, right babe~?"

Pikachu blushed deep red. "P-Please don't tell anyone...I'd die of embarrassment...!"

Sylveon giggled. "Of course my love, I won't tell anyone. And definitely not how incredible it was."

Steam was rising from Pikachu's head as he became more red. Greninja and Delphox looked at each other in confusion.

After that little exchange, Ash refocused himself. "Hey Serena" he said in a little more serious tone.

"Yes Ash?"

"Are you sure you really want to participate in the Galar League?"

Serena was surprised to be asked that. She looked down as she spoke. "To be perfectly honest, no." However, she looked back at Ash with a determined smile. "But just because I'm not sure doesn't mean I'm not gonna try!"

Ash was in awe at her response. He smiled and nodded. "Now that's the Serena I love."

Serena blushed and smiled widely. A thought suddenly struck her.

"Hold on...if I'm gonna participate in the Galar League, what are you gonna do?"

Ash thought hard about that. What was he going to do? It took him a minute, but he finally spoke.

"I'm gonna be there to cheer you on in your battles, just like you've always done for me since we met. I think it's time I repay you for all the support and encouragement you've given me."

Serena blushed and stared in awe. "Ash..."

Ash flashed her his signature toothy grin. This made Serena feel even more happy. She snuggled into him as they continued their walk.

It was around dinner time when everyone was all together in the living room.

"So Serena, have you decided what to do?" Kukui asked.

Serena nodded. "I'm gonna take on the Galar League. I'm gonna give it everything I've got and win!" She declared.

"That's the spirit Serena!" Ash said.

"It's just like what my mother always says: Go for broke!" Serena said.

The Professors nodded. "You'll do great Serena. And we'll be there cheering you on" Burnet said.

"Guess I've got a phone call to make then" Kukui said as he got up and headed into the basement. Burnet decided to start making dinner.

Once dinner was done and the dishes were cleaned, everyone returned to the living room to watch some tv. They all decided to watch something that was considered 'old school' by the Professors, together. The show starred a dark blue and white creature trying to catch a small brown creature. Everyone laughed hard at their antics.

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