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"stop asking me to trust you when I'm still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown."

teen wolf,
season five

"we both know I wasn't the villain of our story. but if you want to play the victim, i'll be just the monster you need."

"instead of being afraid, i could become something to fear."

"you want a fight?
i'll bring a war."


MAX PIERCE has been missing for six months. Twenty six weeks. One hundred and eighty two days. Nobody knows anything. Is he alive or dead? Could it be possible that he fell of the wagon, had a relapse and was too ashamed to return home? Or has he been murdered by an assassin that didn't yet realise the dead pool was over?

JADE PIERCE has well and truly 'lost the plot,' as most would say. She has surrendered control to the darkness that runs through her veins in exchange for the one thing she needs the most; to get rid of the pain of loosing everyone and everything. She has less than nothing, turning off her humanity— as well as her emotions— to cope with the pain.

THAT'S ALL SHE is asking for. A few months of peace, to not have cry herself to sleep, wondering what on earth has happened to her brother and where it all went wrong. But will she change her mind when people won't stop trying to flip her switch back on? If there's one thing she knows how to do— humanity or no humanity— it's cause havoc. Get revenge on the people who took everything from her. And she plans to start close to home.

WHEN MAX TURNS up around the same time as an old friend of Scott and Stiles', it's much to his own surprise that that fact alone raised no alarm bells. College is looming closer, but can he dig himself out of the hole of secrets he's buried in? Can he save himself without dragging his friends down with him?

WILL A FIFTEEN year old girl, Phoenix Fract, be the thing that makes or breaks Jade and determines the path she goes down? Or will she let her plans of revenge consume her? How far is she willing to go to carry out her mission? Somewhere along the line, the line between herself and her magic blur together.

NEW VILLAINS ARE using a combination of science, supernatural and manipulation tactics to get what they want, pitting the McCall pack against each other in the process. If the seniors thought that they had been betrayed before, they were in for a huge shock.

NO ONE IS safe. Every player can be wiped off the board. And just how much destruction can three— or four— people wreck?

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