[II] End of Kjotve's Reign/King Harald's Reign

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[Fornburg, Rygjafylke, Norway]{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

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[Fornburg, Rygjafylke, Norway]
{(Y/N) "Lightning-Walker" Thorbjorn POV}

After last night's celebration and a happy reunion with Raven, and training with the blade given to us as a gift by Sigurd. Eivor told me the vision she had when she visited Valka. I couldn't believe that the two of us would betray Sigurd. I couldn't understand. After everything we've been through, but like Eivor told me, Odin defied his fate, it could be done.

Anyways, Eivor and I were resting in our home with her sleeping on my chest, but I was woken up by her twisting and turning, more than likely dreaming about what happened yesterday.

(Y/N): [sighs] Oh Eivor...

I rubbed Eivor's head to try soothing her from the dream, and it helped a bit because of the smile forming on her face.

(Y/N): I love you, Eivor. From here and to Valhalla.

I tried falling back asleep until we were both woken by a twig snapping outside. We both looked at each other and quickly got out of bed and into our armor quickly. Once donned in our armor, we ran out and saw one of Kjotve's spies running away.

Eivor: Shit... Kjotve's warriors.

(Y/N): We need to hurry.

The two of us ran towards the spy running away and we took the zipline down. We were close to killing the spy, until Raven came around the corner and impaled the spy with her katana. The two of us got to her just as she pulled her katana out.

Eivor: Nice work, Raven.

Raven: Appreciated, Eivor. [looks at me] What's going on?

(Y/N): Kjotve's fucking spies. [looks at corpse] This one won't be alone. We have to find the others before they leave and warn Kjotve. [looks at Raven] Up to kill some more?

Raven: [smirks] Of course.

(Y/N): Then let's find the rest.

The three of us moved close to the outskirts of Fornburg and both Eivor and I closed our eyes and concentrated on seeing through Sýnin and Chaac. High above in the skies, we looked around until I spotted an area with Kjotve's warriors.

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