Chapter 1

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Caution: I didn't read the brick past page 1. This is mostly based off the 2012 movie, the anime and some things i read on Tumblr. The rest is me filling in the blanks and slightly bending the canon. Also NPC dialog.

(Y/N) Moulin (aka you), was born DD.MM 1815 as the only daughter of Pierre and Antoinette Moulin.

As the child of a general, you never lacked anything in life: a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your stomach, education (well, as much education a girl could get) and parents who loved you dearly. Especially your father. After all, you were all he had after your mother had died.

When you were around three, your mother became sick. At first it seemed like a regular fever, but she grew more and more sick. It wasn't long before she passed away and you were left with only your father.

That isn't to say that he was a bad father. On the contrary. He did everything he could to keep you happy and safe, but after Antoinette's death, he took up drinking. To an innocent, small you, this wasn't all bad though.
Initially he would leave you at home with the maids and servants when he went out, which you found boring and lonely. Though, it didn't take long for him to start taking you with him. This change of heart happened upon finding out that the keepers of the inn he frequented had children themselves. That's when you met your lifelong best friend Éponine and her sisters Azelma and Cosette, who you later found out was adopted.

Growing up together gave you more insight on the other girls' lives. Especially Cosette and how the Thénardiers treated her. Everytime you went to their inn to play with Éponine and Azelma, you noticed that Cosette was sweeping, scrubbing or mopping some room. Always dressed in dirty rags and you don't remember ever seeing her eating. When asked if she could stop working and play with you three, Madame Thénardier would always tell you that it's "what she owes us for letting her stay here". All the while, the two sisters were pampered and adored by their parents. While you loved your best friend with all your heart, this rubbed you the wrong way, even as a child.

Neither Éponine nor Azelma seemed too concerned with the way the other girl was treated, but you certainly were.

Whenever you could, you would sneak some bread or fruits from the kitchen and give them to her. When she accidentally broke something, you would take the blame for it, not wanting her to get punished (you've never seen it happen, but you heard her screams and cries). Sometimes you tried helping her out, but since you weren't used to doing housework, you would usually cause an even bigger mess.

When Cosette was tasked with taking care of the Thénardiers' newborn son Gavroche, you would always try to convince Éponine and Azelma to watch over him together, but obviously, the five and six year old girls weren't exactly thrilled to babysit their brother when they could be playing instead.

While you spent most of the time at the inn with Éponine, you would always try to talk to Cosette as much as possible. During these mostly brief moments, you found out some things about Cosette, like her real name being Euphrasie, the fact that she's never properly celebrated Christmas, the way her caretakers treat her, her mother leaving her with the Thénardiers in order to make enough money to buy the two of them a home, and eventually her mother's passing.

It was a few days before Christmas in 1823 and you wanted to cheer up Cosette by giving her a present, so you begged and begged your father to buy a winter coat until he eventually gave in.

When you and your father arrived at the inn on Christmas eve, Cosette wasn't there. While you waited for her to come back, Éponine and you would help out around the inn, pick pocketing  some of the guests, serving them "food" and adult-juice, as your father called it. For the two of you, it was funny seeing the adults act childish and silly. You were too naive to realize that this wasn't a good environment for two eight year old girls to be in. You also didn't think much of it when you you saw Madame Thénardier sitting in your father's lap and pur her hand between his legs, mostly because you'd seen her do things like this to different men many times before.

Hours later, Cosette returned, next to her was a man you've never seen before and you couldn't remember her ever telling you about him.
He started arguing with the Thénardiers, though you couldn't make out what they were saying, just hoping they'd be done soon, so you could give her the gift. When they did stop arguing, she and the man turned to leave.

You ran after them. "Cosette, wait!", you yelled. She stopped in her track so you could catch up to her.

"I got you something." you said as you handed her the coat. She started tearing up and immediately put it on. Cosette tightly hugged you and you said your goodbyes. You stood in place and watched her as she walked away with the man  until they were completely out of sight. You've never seen her again after that.

There was someone whom I haven't had the opportunity to introduce up until now: Éponine's friend Marius Pontmercy. His family and the Thénardiers were on good terms, so he would frequently spend time with the two of you.  He was five years older than you, 14 at the time, which of course meant that he was cooler and smarter and more grown up than you. 

Like you, he came from a rich family and received an education and the two of you taught  Éponine and Azelma all you knew, which they wouldn't be able to learn on their own or from their parents, who didn't seem to teach them more than scamming techniques.

Éponine grew to really like Marius and you'd sometimes listen to her talk about him for hours. You'd usually laugh it off, mainly because you didn't really understand what all the fuzz was about, since it was just Marius. You never made fun of her about it, though, seeing how serious she was about him.

One day during the summer of 1824, Éponine had exciting news to report: Marius, his family and his friend's family would be staying at the inn for a few weeks.

That's when you would first meet Julien.

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