Guilty -Draco

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"Hey darling" Draco greeted you from work with a hug "hey love" you kissed him then went on to take off your shoes "whats up? How was your day?" "It was good" he answered looking at you "what's wrong?" "Well... can we talk?" "Sure"

You went and sat down on the couch and gave him your full attention "what's on your mind?" You asked him putting your hand on his leg as he sat across from you "um- well I've been needing to talk to you about something but... I'm not sure how you'll react to it" "just tell me, I'm sure I'll be ok" you said trying to be comforting

"Well I love you, a lot and you know that" "yeah...." "And- well we've been together for a while and it's been amazing but there's something you need to know that will change everything" "oh... well go on, say it" he shook his head and broke down

"I'm sorry- I really am" "hey" you softly took his face in your hands "did you cheat on me?" He shook his head "did you kill my entire family?" He shook his head once again "then I'm sure I won't get mad" he looked at you and more tears left his eyes "I love you so much" he said crying into your shirt

You rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head "take your time" "I- I feel so guilty" "for what?" "This is gonna ruin our relationship" "don't say that Draco. There's nothing you can do that will make me stop loving you" "can you just hold me for a bit?" You nodded and held him in your arms until he was ready

After a while he finally sat up and wiped away his tears "well what I needed to tell you was... well- I've thought about this fir a while and I didn't think it was true. And I didn't want to leave you. Plus... well I don't know I guess I feel... ashamed" "of what my love?" "Well I'm gay" you were shocked. You stared at Draco and you could see his eyes fill with fear "I'm sorry"

You hugged Draco and cried "don't ever apologize for that ok?" "I'm sorry I just- I thought if someone could make me not gay it would be you" "hey it's ok. You don't have to hide who you are. I love you so much" you dug your face in his shoulder

"You're not mad?" You shook your head "Thank you for telling me" you said "But- where does this leave us?" He asked clinging onto you "well we can still be friends if you wish" "but I love you" he cried "I love you too Draco but it wouldn't be fair if we stayed together. You should find someone you're actually attracted to and I need to find someone attracted to me"

"I'm sorry" he sniffled as you locked eyes with him "Draco" you caressed his face "stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for" "I know but still... I'm sorry for messing everything up" "my love, you can't help how you feel" "but I don't wanna lose you" "you're not. Listen, we can still live together if you want just... sleeping on separate rooms. We can be roommates and everything but platonic" "yeah of course"

He held you even tighter "thank you, I was so scared you'd be mad" "it wouldn't be fair for me to be mad. Sure I'm a little sad but it's ok I'll get over it" "thank you"

Sorry for neglecting y'all I've been trying to write more...
And I mean I have been writing but they all end up in smut and I kinda wanna take a break from writing smut yk?
I just don't get inspired to finish it
Anyways if y'all have fluff suggestions be sure to comment them or dm me with them
Sorry that this is short I just wanted to post something for you guys

Soft Draco OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora