Bad day -Draco

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You were sitting down in the common room couch peacefully doing your homework when you heard the door open

You picked your head up and saw Draco come in looking exhausted "hey" he sighed and sat next to you "I missed you" he said meeting your gaze. He looked like he hadn't slept in days

"are you ok?" "Yeah just a long day" "you don't look ok" "I'm fine" his tone became slightly annoyed "don't lie to me" "I'm not lying Y/n"

Draco absolutely hated when you didn't believe him. You both told each other you wouldn't lie to each other yet here he was lying straight to your face

"Draco you really don't look ok" "I said I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me" he spat out slightly raising his voice.

He stood up about to walk away "sit back down" "can't I just go to bed? I'm tired" "sit" "no" "I said sit Draco!" "Fine!" He sat down annoyed "Blimey are you happy now?" "No Draco, tell me why you're not ok?" "Again? I said I'm fine" he plastered a small fake smile across his face.

You looked at him with an "I know you're lying look" and scooched closer to him "why are you looking at me like that?" You opened your arms and slowly leant in for a hug "I don't need a hug I'm fine" he wiggled around in your arms trying to get out of your grasp "stop let me go! I'm fine" "look at me" "no I said I'm fine" "look at me!" You raised your voice at Draco who seemed surprised judging by his reaction. As soon as his eyes met yours his eyes swelled up with tears.

Draco hugged you back and cried into your shoulder "I'm s-sorry... I'm so so sorry" "shh I'm here for you Draco" you cooed trying to calm him down "I tried being strong I really did"

His cries were muffled by your shoulder. You soon felt a wet spot where Draco was leaning into you but you didn't care. All you cared about at the moment was holding Draco and being there for him.

You rubbed his head and played with his hair cause you knew Draco loved that and it helped him calm down "I'm not ok love" he confessed "I haven't been ok for a while and today just... today was just my breaking point" "do you wanna tell me what happened?" He shook his head "please don't make me" he looked at you with pleading eyes.

You caressed his cheek reassuringly "that's ok Draco. You don't have to" he snuggled his face into your neck again "you're the best" "you're better"

Damn y'all seem to really have liked the last chapter lol
I'm glad you did
Anyways enjoy this chapter

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