Disgrace pt. 2 -Draco

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Before y'all read this I just wanna say to not get your hopes up cause I actually really hate how this turned out

You walked inside and looked around for a while. Since you didn't find anything interesting you decided to walk back and keep looking for Draco. You reached for the door handle when the door opened. There you stood face to face with Draco.


His eyes wide and breath quickening "I'm sorry" he said in a low quiet voice

You glanced behind him and saw the boy who had done the "speech" earlier walking around probably looking for Draco. You grabbed Draco by the sleeve and pulled him in closing the door. Soon the doors disappeared from the outside

"Listen I said I'm sorry ok? Please don't do anything to me" you reached out a hand to caress his face but he flinched away "it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you" "you're n-not?" You shook your head and rubbed your thumb back and forth on his cheek

He pushed your hand away "you better go. If someone finds you here you'll get made fun of. No friends either" "I don't care" you both stared at each other for a while until you began "why do you let people just push you around? Like you should fight back or something" he shook his head "I deserve it" "how come?" "Death Eaters ruined everything for everyone. They killed people and almost destroyed hogwarts completely" "and?" "Don't you understand?" He raised his voice a bit "I was one of them... not completely my choice but still"

He pulled back his sleeve showing you his dark mark again. You gasped when you saw the new cuts he had "shit" he quickly covered his arm again "go" you were surprised by his sudden emotion change "what?" "I said go" "no. You clearly don't mean it. I don't mind seeing your cuts Draco" "But why are you even here!?! Everyone hates me and I'm sure they've told you reasons why to hate me" "you're right. But I don't think that what they're doing is right. The bullying the name calling and what they did in the common room is horrible"

You took his hand and pulled him down to the floor with you "would you allow me to take a look at your arm?" He hesitated a bit before pulling his sleeve back. You then took his finger and traced the mark with it "all I see is a badass tattoo. There seems to be no bad intention with it... and these" you very lightly traced your fingers over his cuts "I don't want you doing these again ok love? If you want we can get you help but you must try to get clean yeah?" He nodded "I'm sorry" "no there's nothing to be sorry about" you pulled him close to you cradling his head close to your chest

"You're safe with me ok? You can let it all out and I won't tell anyone" "I just... I just wish I could go back and... never have done this" "that's ok. You're doing everything you can to fix this aren't you?" "Yes but... that day... the day Harry killed Voldemort I...... I had a choice to turn back and do the right thing. My father called out for me in front of all hogwarts but I hesitated because.... Because I hoped that someone at least one person would call out for me to stay... someone who could see that.... I never wanted any of that to happen I just wanted to make my father proud for once in my life but no one seemed to care so I... I went with my father like a fool" he sobbed in your arms clutching onto your cloak

"Shhh shhh its ok you're ok" you stroked his hair "thank you... I can't remember the last time I was comforted like this" "I'm proud of you" he looked up at you with puffy eyes "are- are you serious?" "Yup" his lip trembled as he smiled "thank you" he held onto you so tight his knuckles turned white "please don't let me go" "never"

You stayed there on the floor with Draco for a while cradling back and forth until he said "I'm probably gonna fuck this up aren't I?" "What? No" you held onto his face and made him look at you "you're strong Draco. You got this yeah?" He nodded "I believe in you darling" he took your hand and brought it up to his lips kissing it lightly "thank you" he cuddled up to you again. You kept stroking his hair and soon you both had fallen asleep

In the morning you woke up then sat up immediately noticing you weren't in your dorm. You looked around and saw you were laying down on a couch "morning" you looked behind you and saw Draco laying on the floor on top of a blanket "what time is it?" You asked hoping you wouldn't miss your classes "calm down we still have an hour before our first lesson" he sat in front of the couch and smiled at you "thank you for last night. I saw you had fallen asleep so I carried you to the couch so you wouldn't be sore in the morning"

"draco?" "Yeah?" "Are you gonna be ok?" He looked down at his lap "I'm... I'm not sure but now with you I know I will" he laid his head on your knees looking up at you "thank you again... I had been keeping it all in and it was starting to take a toll on me" "I'm glad I could help" you got up and headed for the door

"Come on now let's go get breakfast" you stuck your hand out and Draco took it walking with you. As soon as you entered the great hall you felt eyes on you. You'd look around and see people whispering about you to their friends or plainly staring at you "I'm sorry" Draco whispered "it's ok. Let them stare"

You gave his hand a slight squeeze then went to sit down with your friends

"What the fuck is he d-" your friend began but you cut him off "cut it out, he can be here if he wants to" you turned to Draco and saw him looking down shyly "hey it's ok" you gave him a soft smile. He looked up then after a deep breath he said "I'm sorry for everything I did. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm really trying. I deserve all the bullying I get and if there was something I could do to make it up to everyone I would"

Your table kept quiet until Hermione spoke out "I don't think he deserves it to be forgiven. After all, he almost killed Harry and he was going to kill Dumbledore" Draco nodded and looked down "I understand" he said

You noticed his starting to shake again so you took his hand and lead him out of the great hall "it's ok you're gonna be ok" "what am I doing wrong? I'm really trying but they just hate me" he sniffled "ah ah no crying, you're doing all you can the rest is up to them" "yes but they don't believe me. They don't think I'm sorry or that I've changed" "I believe you" a soft voice said behind you. You turned around and saw Luna standing there

She softly smiled and approached you both "I believe you Draco" she repeated. She approached him "you know a lot of people feel sorry for you right? A lot do not hate you they just don't want to be hated for talking to you" "oh..." he nodded "why are you talking to me then?" "Because I don't care. Me and Neville think you deserve a second chance" draco smiled and threw his arms around Luna "thank you" "it's not a big deal" "it is for me"

You tore up at the sight of Luna leading Draco over to her table with Neville. You followed behind and sat down next to them. You all talked for hours laughing about silly things or telling stories

Told y'all it was bad. I kept this on my notes for months but I never came up with anything better🥲

Anywaysssss don't forget to comment and vote

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